abominable swoleman
New member
hey guys been hearing some odd theories for orals from some "broscience" sources. i have 2 i want to run by our veteran users too see what they think the first one is
4weeks on 2 off dbol cycle at low doses the entirety of a deca and test 16 wk cycle so effectively 3 dbol or anadrol "blasts" the second is a combo of dbol and drol being setup something like 50 mg drol 20-30 dbol ed with the drol being taken am bc of a longer half life and dbol being taken right before training for a short boost of anabolic effects pw. has anyone tried either of these or shed insight onto why theyre bad. im also curious how bad these drugs are on your liver in doses that are not absolutely ubsurd i do realize one would lool like the pillsberry doughboy during this but noone can argue against dbol and drol for dirty size
4weeks on 2 off dbol cycle at low doses the entirety of a deca and test 16 wk cycle so effectively 3 dbol or anadrol "blasts" the second is a combo of dbol and drol being setup something like 50 mg drol 20-30 dbol ed with the drol being taken am bc of a longer half life and dbol being taken right before training for a short boost of anabolic effects pw. has anyone tried either of these or shed insight onto why theyre bad. im also curious how bad these drugs are on your liver in doses that are not absolutely ubsurd i do realize one would lool like the pillsberry doughboy during this but noone can argue against dbol and drol for dirty size