So I just qualified to enter nationals again next October 2025, which I am getting ready to undertake, this will be my third Nationals in a row. I got top five last year, 2nd this year, and gonna crush it in 2025 please follow my log for training , diet, cycle, and so on right now I'm just cruising on some pharma grade test cyp and some NPP left over from nationals, I've ran 300 test cyp and 200 NPP since the show, and I'm feeling pretty good, I got a little bit sick there as my immune must of been way down, I took an allergy pill and that helped with the runny nose etc. stay tuned guys I included a photo of the cycle I am going to run for Nationals 2025. Gonna start that 16 weeks out so in June. I'm up to 185 lbs from 175 at show and just ordered 84 cases of high carb high protein meal replacement shakes, so that should help me put my desired weight on.