So here's the plan, I have qualified to do the North American IFBB Pro Qualifier August 27-31 st, I am entering the men's Masters 40 + division, From what I can tell it's a bit easier to nab the pro card at this show, my prep will start 16 -20 weeks out for this one. Meanwhile OFF SEASON until April 1st , so bulking until then, currently running pharma grade test enanthate and EQ. I haven't felt the need for an AI with the EQ acting as my AI. So right now Test E - 800mg per week
EQ - 400 mg per week.
Gonna take a slight break running only trt at 200mg a week until April / May then blast right to my procard. I am currently looking to start a log for a reputable company as I always do when I prepare for a show. It's not urgent, but I know logging can help a business to get more business. Talk to you soon Evo family. I'm currently sitting at 195 lbs, 5"4.