Clen has been used in the BB world for decades and I have not heard of one fatality due to its use. DNP is far more dangerous and even it doesn't cause many fatalities. The only individuals who injure themselves are the ones who misuse it just like any other substance. I have been a member of this site for quite a while so I have a general feel for what responses you will get. Most of the moderators here do not like clen for various reasons and that's fine. I however have used it and am still using it and have had 0 issues. As long as it is used responsibly in moderate dosages and you don't take any other Beta agonist cmpds you will be fine. The only side effect you will feel and is most common is the shakiness in the hands. It is very minor but I use it as a moniker for dosing and my tolerance.
If you have done your research you will have learned that our bodies build a tolerance to Beta agonists/blockers. So after a few doses of say 20mcg, which is a good starting dose, you will notice the hand shakiness disapear. This means you are now tolerant to that 20mcg's and it no longer has much effect. You would then increase to 30 or 40mcg a day and continue at that dose until you no longer feel it working. Do this for 2 weeks or so and then stop for 2 weeks to let the receptors reregulate.
Remember, clen alone will not shed fat. You need to combine it with a steady workout program and cardio sessions multiple times a week. All of these things need to be in place before using clen. Many ppl think they can just add this in and it will do all the work. The purpose of any of the PED's is like icing on the cake. It's the last piece of the puzzle so to speak. Once you have your diet and workout routine in place adding clen will give you that extra fat burning boost you are looking for. Just keep that in mind.
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
When I was talking about fatality, I was exaggerating of course, I'm mostly concerned about the potential CHRONIC side effects like heart necrosis / hypertrophy seen in rats.
Although after skimming the studies, they were dosing with 2-5k mcg of clen, that's 100-250 pills??
That's what concerns me, otherwise I would have started already.
I was thinking of using just 60 mcg as the top dose, do you personally believe that this dosage will be effective?
SOME guys like clen, but MOST do not
fitfarm is right. I hate the stuff.. used it twice and both times it was awful experience.
shaking all day, felt like my heart was going to explode, heart burn after dinner when i laid down, and it ruins your cardio. results were not worth all that
I would much rather run GW and get better results with no sides and actually get increased cardio. GW will actually help the heart.
Hey steve, do you remember what dosages you used?
I'm mostly concerned about the potential heart damage, I don't really care about cardio being ruined etc.
I can't really get GW right now!
I will first answer your question and then give you my thoughts on clen.
The best way to use clen is to start off with a low dosage and then increase the dosage every 2 weeks. Your body gets used to clenbuterol very fast so you need to keep increasing the dosage to get the metabolism boosting benefits. I would start off with 20mcg/day for 2 weeks, then increase it to 40mcg/day for 2 weeks, then increase it to 60mcg/day for 2 weeks, then increase it to 80mcg/day for 2 weeks then take a 8 week break and start the cycle all over again.
I personally am not a big fan of clenbuterol.
Clenbuterol is very over rated. Here's why -
Clen simply raises metabolism. It does not differentiate between muscle or fat. Clen might raise your metabolism an additional 100-200 calories per day. You could just easily do an extra 15 minutes of cardio. I have used clen in the past and I always felt it did more harm then good. It caused muscle cramps when I was training and it really negatively impacted my sleep.
There are better alternatives that directly increase fat loss, with no risk of loosing muscle mass and no side effects like insomnia or muscle cramps. Cardarine gw is going to be your best option. It directly increases fat loss, endurance and recovery. It is not a stimulant or a hormone and is pretty much void of side effects.
I haven't used clen myself in years and don't recommend it to my clients at all anymore. If they are trying to burn fat, I recommend cardarine and maybe a good nutrient partitioning supplement like n2slin from
Thanks for answering, first and foremost.
Upping the dosage every 2 weeks and no off weeks between those 2 weeks? This is the first time I've heard of this cycle. I mean, I think this is pretty aggressive on the receptors.
Also, are we really talking about 100-200 additional calories? I've seen people on Clen lose A LOT of fat without changing much in their diet and training.
While I am not a fan of clen, sometimes you just have to try something for yourself and see how you like it. As long as you are sensible and start with low doses you will be able to control the sides. Just keep in mind the longer half life so you don't increase too quickly.
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I think I'm being oversensible but seeing those studies with big bold letters about "heart necrosis and hypertrophy" fucks my brain.
How would you run a cycle for a beginner?