First contest prep 16 weeks out, already quite lean and vascular, done a decent amount of blasts so far. Currently on cruise test e@180mg stats around 102kg 5'10 10% bf age 29, was planning on doing;
Wk 1-16: test e 400mg
Wk 1-16: Primo 500mg
Wk 1-16: Mast 300mg
Wk 10-16: tren e 250mg
Wk13-16: winny 25mg ed
Week 10-16: prami 0.5mg
Week 1-16: armidex 0.5mg
Have read some people need an ai when taking primo/mast and some people don't, so I'm taking one just incase. Also couldn't choose between primo or mast and did some research, sounds like it's a personal opinion, very strong opinions either way, so both sounded like a good idea as I've acquired both anyway. Thoughts on this cycle? It's my first contest so want to go reasonably hard, been gymming for 13 years very consistently with a mix of alot of powerlifting and some bodybuilding, don't take breaks for life events gym never stops, so planning on showing my best which will hopefully result in wiping the floor at the novice comps
Wk 1-16: test e 400mg
Wk 1-16: Primo 500mg
Wk 1-16: Mast 300mg
Wk 10-16: tren e 250mg
Wk13-16: winny 25mg ed
Week 10-16: prami 0.5mg
Week 1-16: armidex 0.5mg
Have read some people need an ai when taking primo/mast and some people don't, so I'm taking one just incase. Also couldn't choose between primo or mast and did some research, sounds like it's a personal opinion, very strong opinions either way, so both sounded like a good idea as I've acquired both anyway. Thoughts on this cycle? It's my first contest so want to go reasonably hard, been gymming for 13 years very consistently with a mix of alot of powerlifting and some bodybuilding, don't take breaks for life events gym never stops, so planning on showing my best which will hopefully result in wiping the floor at the novice comps