I'm forever a "new member". Don't ask me why. I shit you not here is a post from me back in 2011. Still abusing my body with chemicals back then.
I think it's because I don't comment for years, then come back, it marks me as a "new member" again
Want to know about me? I'm an accredited PT, but I actually work in IT. Maybe one day I'll make the switch. I'm 47 and have been training natural for most of that time with a bit of prohormone\sarms thrown in here and there. Only 12 months ago did I make the switch to oils after abusing RAD140 so much that I had to self-prescribe myself TRT (500mg test

The picture below is before I even started on oils. I try to maintain myself on 11-12% BF and at only 83kg\5'10" I'm far from huge (around 8kg up since that photo thanks to test, abombs, mast and a little tren). I value the lean athletic look.
Rad140 abuse made me vascular as a motherfucker and sometimes I feel the need to wear long sleeve shirts to cover up the freakshow. That's not what I look like during a gym sesh, I walk around looking like that.
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I look\feel much younger than I actually am, which has actually been more of a hindrance than anything. Sometimes it's hard to be taken seriously as age=wisdom. For reference my girlfriend is 26, and I'm far from rich.
I eat mostly from frozen meal prep containers with meat and 3 veg for dinner. I don't count calories, I just keep it clean and use the scale to tell me where I'm at.
So that's me.