Recently new member, found a few decent sources through here, just want to check the outline of my cycle before going ahead with you experienced users.
5ft 8"
Training for approx 2 years
26 years old
Ok so now those brief stats are out of the way, lets get straight into it.. Ill be running havoc/epistane for 4 weeks followed by an appropriate PCT.
Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist shall be dosed at recommended dose of 4 caps am and 4 caps pm throughout the entire cycle, inclusive of PCT.
Havoc shall be run as follows:
Week 1: 30mg
Week: 2: 30mg
..and so on, 30mg ED for 4 weeks straight.
PCT: (I have nolvadex and aromasin on hand)
nolvadex shall be ran as 20/20/10/10
armasin 25mg E3D from week 5-7, then cease use for the last week, where nolvadex shall be ran alone at 10mg ED on week 8.
Aromasin I am still unsure of how to run, some advocate it during cycle at 12.5mg EOD and adjust from there, whilst some advocate it just for PCT to help with estrogen rebound issues. Others do not recommend it at all until symptoms occur, so I am very open on how this should be dosed.
Thoughts and advise would be highly appreciated as this is my first cycle and would like to do everything I possibly can right, money isn't really an object, I'd rather put my health first. I would prefer not to shut myself down through letro if aromasin will be just as good.
So without further adue, give me your thoughts men??
- - - Updated - - -
I also forgot to mention I shall be running the usual fish oils @ 4g per day and a multi.
I have some generic OCT supps also, such as DAA, etc. But I am almost sure these won't be needed if the above it provided.
Recently new member, found a few decent sources through here, just want to check the outline of my cycle before going ahead with you experienced users.
5ft 8"
Training for approx 2 years
26 years old
Ok so now those brief stats are out of the way, lets get straight into it.. Ill be running havoc/epistane for 4 weeks followed by an appropriate PCT.
Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist shall be dosed at recommended dose of 4 caps am and 4 caps pm throughout the entire cycle, inclusive of PCT.
Havoc shall be run as follows:
Week 1: 30mg
Week: 2: 30mg
..and so on, 30mg ED for 4 weeks straight.
PCT: (I have nolvadex and aromasin on hand)
nolvadex shall be ran as 20/20/10/10
armasin 25mg E3D from week 5-7, then cease use for the last week, where nolvadex shall be ran alone at 10mg ED on week 8.
Aromasin I am still unsure of how to run, some advocate it during cycle at 12.5mg EOD and adjust from there, whilst some advocate it just for PCT to help with estrogen rebound issues. Others do not recommend it at all until symptoms occur, so I am very open on how this should be dosed.
Thoughts and advise would be highly appreciated as this is my first cycle and would like to do everything I possibly can right, money isn't really an object, I'd rather put my health first. I would prefer not to shut myself down through letro if aromasin will be just as good.
So without further adue, give me your thoughts men??
- - - Updated - - -
I also forgot to mention I shall be running the usual fish oils @ 4g per day and a multi.
I have some generic OCT supps also, such as DAA, etc. But I am almost sure these won't be needed if the above it provided.