Also going to add some primobolan to my cruise and recovery pct stack, had to get the ok to put it in there as a pur athlete (
@pur-pharma-canada). Just a side note , not taking on the role of low level rep, as being a pur athlete is enough eggs in one

, however can direct you to the right people, or just check out the main site : (, these guys have rapid service, excellent communication and customer service, above and beyond and safety focused as well, gains are nice and clean, pharmaceutical grade gear and packaging, half the internet calls there gear pharma, but this is all 100% legit pharmaceutical grade products. Check them out and see for your self, no PIP, NO SWELLING, NO SKIN PROBLEMS, GREAT ABSORPTION, AMAZING RESULTS! I am currently 5"4, 190, I just competed at Nationals at 174.5, so putting the beef back on nicely, and staying lean at the same time. Placed in Nationals for the first time with a 5 week prep on pur and hard work. Was awesome to have clean skin and clean gear with no pain or swelling . Especially come stage time? Who needs dirty gear? At anytime really, so just letting you guys know that as a pur athlete, I am 100% happy with this "actual lab" and not someone's basement setup, do yourself a favour and get on the pur train so your body stays happy with you and gives you better results in top shape as well. Cheers. (
@pur-pharma-canada . So my post recovery stack looks like this right now:
-300 deca per week
-250 test cyp
-arimidex as needed.
Switching it over to:
-continuing with deca
-changing test cyp to sust
-adding in primobolan.
-generally don't need an AI when you match Primo dose with test dose, but will have arimidex on hand regardless.
Will update you with photos and stack regiment exact numbers once I receive sust and Primo.