you're giving your body time off how many weeks?pur Athlete Update:
Hi guys just finished running
Deca 600 - 1000 mg per week
Test Cypionate 750-1000 per week
Dianabol - 40 mg per day
Proviron - 50 mg per day
Arimidex - 1mg evod
Nolvadex - 20 mg per day
With a quick 6-8 week post competition cycle of that cycle I went from 174 to 195 lbs.
I'm now giving my body sometime off, and looking into doing the North Americans NPC for my procard in Masters next year, I'm still running
Equipoise - 600 mg per week
,to let you guys know all shots went well, from September 4th - present , 2 cycles in total, one for pre contest and one for post contest, I never really did come off so about a 10-12 week cycle, anyways, shots all absorb nicer then anything I've used before other then pharmacy grade and it compares to that in absorption pain and or swelling and that's with all there injectables, there was no POST INJECTION PAIN , in any of my shots during the entire cycle, my acne was clear until post show and my esters changed and hormones changed so was expected and since have cleared. So just finished cycle yesterday other then the EQ and Primo, that I'm still running until it's done. Just wanted to let you guys know I have no complaints about pur, and also forgot to mention how strength goes up to quite significantly so you have to be careful not to hurt your joints. Any other questions let me know but you guys all have my vote after finishing my first heavy pur cycle! I'll be in touch on how my training and nutrition looks this week also. Tonight . Be on the lookout. (excellent Canadian source)
I think at your dose level you would have to stay on TRT for life at this point so coming "OFF" means just TRT for you correct?