Superdrol oral- 20-30 mg ed
Rad 140 oral- 10-20 mg ed
MK-677- 17-20 mg every day before bed. I say before bed because I rotate 6 weeks on nights and day shift at work, working 12 hours shifts.
Cardarine- 15mg ed
4 andro 50-100mg ed
Milk thistle for liver support also have some anastrozle on hand.
Current stats: 5’7, 165lbs 12-13% bf
Bench: 225x3
Squat: 385x6
Dead: 405x8
Goals: achieve a lean bulk while gaining lots of strength to my PRs.
History: I ran my first ever steroid cycle back in summer of 19 which was 4 weeks of anavar and Test E. Followed by my first ever sarm cycle later that winter of 2019 which was just ostarine for 6 weeks. Followed by my first major cycle the following summer which was 2020 summer it consisted of 25 mg of rad140 20 mg of lgd-4033, 20 mg mk677 and 300 mg of Test E weekly. Since then I have tried basically sarm out there. Yk11, s-23, s4, lgd-3303 and a few more. Haven’t cycled in a few months but figured id give Superdrol a try to jump through my prs.
Rad 140 oral- 10-20 mg ed
MK-677- 17-20 mg every day before bed. I say before bed because I rotate 6 weeks on nights and day shift at work, working 12 hours shifts.
Cardarine- 15mg ed
4 andro 50-100mg ed
Milk thistle for liver support also have some anastrozle on hand.
Current stats: 5’7, 165lbs 12-13% bf
Bench: 225x3
Squat: 385x6
Dead: 405x8
Goals: achieve a lean bulk while gaining lots of strength to my PRs.
History: I ran my first ever steroid cycle back in summer of 19 which was 4 weeks of anavar and Test E. Followed by my first ever sarm cycle later that winter of 2019 which was just ostarine for 6 weeks. Followed by my first major cycle the following summer which was 2020 summer it consisted of 25 mg of rad140 20 mg of lgd-4033, 20 mg mk677 and 300 mg of Test E weekly. Since then I have tried basically sarm out there. Yk11, s-23, s4, lgd-3303 and a few more. Haven’t cycled in a few months but figured id give Superdrol a try to jump through my prs.