Hey my bros I really love reading all your insight was wondering what you bros think about stacking CYP NPP AND PRIMO I myself like the lean look so I was wondering how much of each should I take thanks
If you like the lean/dry look - i would swap npp for EQ. Both npp and eq are anabolics, but EQ will cause a lot less water retention and won't aromatize into estrogen near as much. Npp is also a nandrolone so it will cause progestin related activity in the body and you run the risk of developing prolactin related side effects. EQ is a testosterone derivative so you don't have the same problem.
Here's what I recommend:
Weeks 1 - 12 (you could do up to a 16 week cycle)
testosterone cyp 500mg/week
EQ 300mg/week
primobolan enanthate 300mg/week
aromasin 12.5mg every other day
I was going to say the exact same thing as above. I just don't think npp gives you the dry lean look. If you swap it out for eq, you will have one hell of a cycle.
NPP is basically the same deca, just a faster acting kind of deca, so it is not a good thing for lean gains. EQ is a much wiser choice here, as it is safer and will definitely give you much cleaner gains.
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