at the risk of asking a legit question, then having you come back with a new argument as to your reasoning back and forth for 5 pages i have to ask why do you want a dht cream?
I have low DHT levels, which is proven by the fact I lack powerful masculinization. My masculinization (e.g. facial beard) is mild to low, indicating I have low DHT levels.
I need DHT gels to externally introduced additional DHT to my body so I can advance my male secondary characteristics development.
I see many different products. Are they as good as Androgel is? I have read some information, and it seems Androgel is the best and most recommended DHT product.
Since Androgel is still not available on NapsGear (it says "Coming soon"), should I use another product? Are the other gels as good as Androgel?
Apparently, my testosterone level is normal (normal, according to modern standards, low, according to me) and free testosterone is at low bottom, OBJECTIVELY. It seems I don't have enough free testosterone for the body to synthesize DHT. Or, perhaps, my 5-alphla-reductase enzyme isn't active enough to synthesize DHT.
I don't know what the problem is, but I definitely have a problem. Additional tests for LH and FSH will be conducted next month, but I have no time to waste (I'm aimed at achieving specific goals by specific time frames, dates), so I have to work as fast as possible without wasting any time.
DHT is not directly suppressive to natural testosterone production, but, since it's an androgen, it can still make the body think there are too much androgens, leading to a decrease of testosterone production. Is this correct?
If the body doesn't make a difference between androgens and interprets all androgens as the same androgen, then any addition of any external androgen (e.g. Androgel) will lead to a reduced production of androgens (e.g. natural testosterone)?