The hypothermic needle is hollow so that the steroid oils may flow through it when its razor-sharp tip is deep inside the muscle tissue. This is what I was thinking about today after my first shot ever. I took a shot of mixed Testosterone enanthate and Trenbolone E. Yes ballsy for a first cycle I know, but I want to come out swinging and make the best gains of my life on my very first time out of the gate. I have a hard lump at the site of injection. When I took my injection earlier in the day my girlfriend awoke and urged to **** me out of the bathroom, banged on the door mid injection. Like having your parents walk-in when you are losing your virginity. I pushed the plunger on the needle filled with steroids very hard and fast and pulled out quickly, no blood or mess just a tiny drop of oil with a tiny bead of blood in the middle. Wiped jammies up and out the way... I'm at work now and I can feel this lump on my glute through my pants, it is pretty hard now too. I'm reading online now and I had to push the oil in slow and massage the area for a couple of minutes after the injection and I had no chance to do either of those things. I will report if I have pain and swelling that turns warm, I will be on my way tot he ER then bros. Wish me luck.