I have an idea of what i want to do on my next sarms run
Lgd4033 10mgs a day
Rad140 20mgs a day
Sr9009 25mgs a day
Want to keep things very safe and conservative. Don’t want any shutdown or problems on this next cycle
My main concern is acne and estrogen issues.
I’m 5’6’’ 155 pounds and 10% body fat. Goals are lean muscle mass and burning more fat.
Lgd4033 10mgs a day
Rad140 20mgs a day
Sr9009 25mgs a day
Want to keep things very safe and conservative. Don’t want any shutdown or problems on this next cycle
My main concern is acne and estrogen issues.
I’m 5’6’’ 155 pounds and 10% body fat. Goals are lean muscle mass and burning more fat.