I’m on my trt dose currently. It was a huge learning experience which I really enjoyed.
Learned a lot from you guys.
Definitely will be dialing in my diet more. I’ve had stomach issues and ibs my whole life. While adding in calories I should have stuck to all clean foods like I was having before starting cycle. Even if that means not getting as much calories in. I noticed since I’ve been eating gluten and diary that I’m not feeling as good. Way more tired as well. When I cut dairy and gluten out, I felt so much better.
I will also be stocking up on an ai again.
I’d like try this cycle over, with a a cleaner diet.
Going to wait a little bit. Back to working 12+ hour days. Which is killing my appetite. I’ll be throwing in homemade shakes in so I can drink my calories, oats, peanut butter, protein powder and bananas. Keep it simple, clean.
I’d really like to try a Tbol, test, Npp cycle.
Keep my test around 300mg a week, Npp at 300mg a week and 40mg of Tbol to jump start for weeks 1-4 possibly 1-6