Well iv been brewing my own for 6 years or so. So I deff have no idea what the ugl scene is like now days. But back in the days I got so fed up with always having varying dosed ugl crap.See that's where you are seriously misinformed,as we have honest ugl labs that wouldn't exist without the integrity they possess,see bro they are legitimate business men that understand the value of their customer base and the value of business ethics.hence they have gear that is very near and at times on p ar with pharma.they are not some bathtub set up,they are legitimate labs with chemistry background or similar.this is their bread and butter too it's just how the business world works.you should try one of our most reputable ugls and then you will believe.or don't.but be informed of the current situation.dont just imagine bro,and don't know who's the rookies here,you or us or others.we have competitors using ugl and winning comps.actually sponsored by ugl.
Yeh I took a bit of chemistry in high school.
Ur 28 years relative to my 10 makes me a rookie relative to you in particular.