For sure - did you read my second message that I responded to Jbond24 with? He's kicking ass, no doubt. I'm not a troll or an asshole. This is genuine advice.
I said satire because of the comments so far. Encouraging, but not caring at all. "Chicken and rice good", "more protein", "fasting works".
Did you look at his bloodwork in the original post (I missed it as well)? I'm not sure why no one said anything about the 6-8 week cruise of 250g test and 20g anavar a day with those lipid parameters after his blast. Isn't that the point of this forum - to educate people? Why is the protein count being so dialed in, but not something that is deleterious to his long term health?
Again, he is making great progress. He can continue to, while also taking better care of his health.
I won't comment again though, seems like I'm the outlier.
All the best to Jbond24.