high and low e2 can cause ED. high prolactin can cause ED. in some just using deca can cause it. low T can cause ED. get a hormone panel and go from there. cut the deca...
@trtguy22 you seem like a nice guy so I dont want to come off rude bro but you understand we cant keep guessing what your issues are.
Addressing progesterone is complex, so we are asking you post up your LOG journal as we requested so we can fully help you
how to start a log here click below https://www.evolutionary.org/forums...fter-trt-deca-and-tren-use.99293/post-1533730
Why can't I delete my blood work and posts, threads anything, I've been here for 30 minutes trying to figure it out. Moderator please delete my posts with blood work.
Why can't I delete my blood work and posts, threads anything, I've been here for 30 minutes trying to figure it out. Moderator please delete my posts with blood work.
Lower SHBG in the context of bodybuilding is not necessarily a bad thing. I would be slightly more concerned about the low progesterone.
Does your family have a history of heart disease? What does your doc say about the bloodwork?
It's unclear to me what you are currently taking. Please list all the supps/gear you are currently on.
A better option would be to start a log.
Can my prolactin still be off with no discharge considering I I’ve been using deca for about a year with no caber or Prami and I used a 100 mgs of tren for about 8 weeks prior to all of this happening
Guessing does you NO good whatsoever... what if the guess is wrong and you treat the wrong issue? then what? im absolutely not trying to be a dick at all but only the truth helps... it sounds like you have zero clue what you are doing.. you are supposed to be doing bloodwork, PRE, MID and POST cycle.. you need a baseline, then you need to know how things are effecting you and obviously need to check for recovery after.. you dont just guess on symptoms you may or may not have... some never even have symptoms when things are wrong and some symptoms can be the same for multiple issues.. .GUESSING DOES NOTHING good whatsoever... its an assumption with zero fact... the ONLY answer is bloodwork
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