Lmao ok yall asked for it...
1. Why do most women like to be treated bad? (ignored, talked down to, disrespected etc...)
2. How do you meet women in 2019? It seems like everything is online and when you approach women in person its awkward and uncomfortable
3. Why do women look for any flaws in a man and bail when a man will let things slide and still make the realtionship work? Example sex is great but he dosent make enough money OR he treats me great but he also spends too much time at the gym OR he makes me feel wanted and special BUT he doesnt open up enough...theres always SOMETHING
4. Im 40 but feel 20...women my age are way too into marriage and kids and girls in their 20s are not loyal and play too many games and i dont have time for that...so am i doomed?
5. Is it impossible to meet someone at the gym? I feel very hesitant talking to girls while they are training
6. When to give space and when to be aggressive with wanting to spend time together (non sexual) i suck at this
7. Why dont women ask out men?
8. If a woman is with a guy for a yr or more and he has a 11" penis and i come along with my 6.5" penis is it still big enough despite the fact her ex lover was way bigger (serious question no bs) i have pics too i can post (of mine not his) again not a joke im very self conscience
9. What are girls biggest turn offs when it comes to a mans personality?
Thanks im looking forward to the podcast!