Hello my favorite people !
I will pause my off-season log for a few weeks because right now :
- Deload is finished
- Approaching 3 months without gear
- Dealt with side effects
- Biggest tournaments are coming up
- With my summer work schedule, I might have to sometimes workout 2-3x per day.
Food : 80% plant-based, unprocessed, home cooked
Training : BJJ, wrestling, full body 5/3/1 Wendler, foam roller, long walks with the dog
Other : Meditation and breath work
Supplements : magnesium, taurine, vitamin D, B complex, omega-3, creatine, protein powder from time to time
Available orals : t-bol from NF 20mg, anavar from NF, leftover anavar from SYN
I will pause my off-season log for a few weeks because right now :
- Deload is finished
- Approaching 3 months without gear
- Dealt with side effects
- Biggest tournaments are coming up
- With my summer work schedule, I might have to sometimes workout 2-3x per day.
Food : 80% plant-based, unprocessed, home cooked
Training : BJJ, wrestling, full body 5/3/1 Wendler, foam roller, long walks with the dog
Other : Meditation and breath work
Supplements : magnesium, taurine, vitamin D, B complex, omega-3, creatine, protein powder from time to time
Available orals : t-bol from NF 20mg, anavar from NF, leftover anavar from SYN