Todays Workout:
Diet wise, definitely dropping carbs this week, not sure why I had my macros that way, going to do 260p,305c,135f for a few weeks and dial in it. Probably go a bit lower to save some for weekends. Below is basically what I have every day I don’t work from home with some variants:
- 1.5 scoop whey
- 4 eggs and spinach scramble
- 60g oats
- 220g baked salmon, 120g rice
Post Gym:
- Shake with banana, peanut butter, berries, 1.5 scoop whey, 180g Greek yogurt
- Some rice cakes
- 300g heavy ground turkey ragu I prep for week, with 100g alt grain pasta
- Db Shoulder Press - 65lbsX10, 80lbs 4x10
- Side Delt Db Raise - 30lbsx10, 40lbs 4x10
- Front Delt DB Raise - 30lbs 4x10
- Kettlebell Tricep Pushup - BW 4x10
- Incline Db Curl - 40lbs 3x10, 1x8
- Standing Db Curl - 40lb 4x10
- Preacher Curl Machine - 145lb 4x8
- Tricep Extension Machine - 125lb 4x10
- Tricep Cable Pushdown - 90lb 3x10
- EZ Bar Drag Curls - 70lb 3x10
- Shoulder Press Machine - 135lb 3x10
Diet wise, definitely dropping carbs this week, not sure why I had my macros that way, going to do 260p,305c,135f for a few weeks and dial in it. Probably go a bit lower to save some for weekends. Below is basically what I have every day I don’t work from home with some variants:
- 1.5 scoop whey
- 4 eggs and spinach scramble
- 60g oats
- 220g baked salmon, 120g rice
Post Gym:
- Shake with banana, peanut butter, berries, 1.5 scoop whey, 180g Greek yogurt
- Some rice cakes
- 300g heavy ground turkey ragu I prep for week, with 100g alt grain pasta