Hey all,
I have posted here previously about my fertility journey, but i thought i would summarize it here for anyone interested or looking to conceive in the near future.
Long story short:
Aussie/Male (obv)
Age: 37
Been on anabolic steroids since 2019 , test/deca/tren/dbol/anadrol etc.
TRT Dose: 100mg/week (no more blasting)
Wife & I Married 13/01/24
15/01/24 - 30/01/24 Hoping to conceive during honeymoon.
No luck with conception
February sperm analysis with YoSperm test - No visible sperm swimming
Shock and reality sets in. Have i fucked up my fertility?
Wanted to come off but was advised not to due to the "harsh negatives of doing so"
Started HMG and HCG , purchasing from varying sources
02/02/24 - Started HCG - 2500 IU M W F
28/02/24 - Started HMG - 75IU M W F
Sperm Analysis 26 April 24 : Conc: 3.95 million/ml . 2% Normal forms . TM : 28% PM : 6%
Frustrated at this point, but kept pushing on despite the financial burden these compounds placed on me
Sperm Analysis : 26 June 24: Conc: 2.3million/ml 2% Normal forms TM: 42% PM: %15
At this point, after nearly 6 months of blowing nearly 6-7 grand on this. I lost it. had a mini meltdown one day and decided to go against what anyone on the forums or in my life was telling me and i threw out all my shit. How could i have gone backwards in my results?? Everything, even the HCG/HMG
I was pretty pissed off, because the person i was buying the HCG/HMG off, turned out to have done an exit scam/faked HPLC testing. I suspected this from the start but i trusted the person and the process.
26/06/24 - Last Injection Test E (100mg/week)
Implemented : 5ml Black Seed Oil /Day and 800mg COQ10/Day
Sperm Analysis 17th September : Conc: 38.8 million/ml Morphology :4% TM: 57% PM: 42%
At that point i was considered in the normal range for fertility. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Me and the wife had a bit of a teary with the news . You don't know how hard trying for a kid is emotionally until you undertake the journey, especially when you know the decisions you made in life have impacted your chances of conceiving. Its a heavy burden to carry and can send you into a pretty dark spiral.
Sperm Analysis 06th November: Conc: 167.4 million/ml Morphology :4% TM: 65% PM: 48%
When i seen this, i nearly spat my drink out. Holy fucking shit? i am now considered super fertile. 135 days after my last injection!!
See below timeline for concentration:
Coming off TRT i was expecting the worst, but i was fine. Regular blood tests showed FSH/LH surging back into action.
FSH: 7
LH: 3
My testosterone at my last blood test was 4.9nmol (well below the 6 minimum) but i feel great. It was 1.1nmol after 30 days from my last test shot so its still an improvement. My lifts have been either stagnant or improving, which i track and measure daily. I have not lost much muscle yet, a little fullness from the muscle belly sure. Energy is good, mood is fine.
I will do another blood test next week to see how everything is bouncing back.
Summary: Trust your gut and do what you think is best, always. Don't let anyone talk you into this or that. Had i of come off when i wanted to, we probably would have conceived by now. Hopefully i can update this thread with some good news in the next few months!
I have posted here previously about my fertility journey, but i thought i would summarize it here for anyone interested or looking to conceive in the near future.
Long story short:
Aussie/Male (obv)
Age: 37
Been on anabolic steroids since 2019 , test/deca/tren/dbol/anadrol etc.
TRT Dose: 100mg/week (no more blasting)
Wife & I Married 13/01/24
15/01/24 - 30/01/24 Hoping to conceive during honeymoon.
No luck with conception
February sperm analysis with YoSperm test - No visible sperm swimming
Shock and reality sets in. Have i fucked up my fertility?
Wanted to come off but was advised not to due to the "harsh negatives of doing so"
Started HMG and HCG , purchasing from varying sources
02/02/24 - Started HCG - 2500 IU M W F
28/02/24 - Started HMG - 75IU M W F
Sperm Analysis 26 April 24 : Conc: 3.95 million/ml . 2% Normal forms . TM : 28% PM : 6%
Frustrated at this point, but kept pushing on despite the financial burden these compounds placed on me
Sperm Analysis : 26 June 24: Conc: 2.3million/ml 2% Normal forms TM: 42% PM: %15
At this point, after nearly 6 months of blowing nearly 6-7 grand on this. I lost it. had a mini meltdown one day and decided to go against what anyone on the forums or in my life was telling me and i threw out all my shit. How could i have gone backwards in my results?? Everything, even the HCG/HMG
I was pretty pissed off, because the person i was buying the HCG/HMG off, turned out to have done an exit scam/faked HPLC testing. I suspected this from the start but i trusted the person and the process.
26/06/24 - Last Injection Test E (100mg/week)
Implemented : 5ml Black Seed Oil /Day and 800mg COQ10/Day
Sperm Analysis 17th September : Conc: 38.8 million/ml Morphology :4% TM: 57% PM: 42%
At that point i was considered in the normal range for fertility. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Me and the wife had a bit of a teary with the news . You don't know how hard trying for a kid is emotionally until you undertake the journey, especially when you know the decisions you made in life have impacted your chances of conceiving. Its a heavy burden to carry and can send you into a pretty dark spiral.
Sperm Analysis 06th November: Conc: 167.4 million/ml Morphology :4% TM: 65% PM: 48%
When i seen this, i nearly spat my drink out. Holy fucking shit? i am now considered super fertile. 135 days after my last injection!!
See below timeline for concentration:
Coming off TRT i was expecting the worst, but i was fine. Regular blood tests showed FSH/LH surging back into action.
FSH: 7
LH: 3
My testosterone at my last blood test was 4.9nmol (well below the 6 minimum) but i feel great. It was 1.1nmol after 30 days from my last test shot so its still an improvement. My lifts have been either stagnant or improving, which i track and measure daily. I have not lost much muscle yet, a little fullness from the muscle belly sure. Energy is good, mood is fine.
I will do another blood test next week to see how everything is bouncing back.
Summary: Trust your gut and do what you think is best, always. Don't let anyone talk you into this or that. Had i of come off when i wanted to, we probably would have conceived by now. Hopefully i can update this thread with some good news in the next few months!