Legs are really good today, i can see you pushing the weights.Legs 1
MYO REPS Rogers Pendulum 14,10,8 40kg
MYO REPS Cybex Squat Press 14(stopped for a cramp),13,12 160kg
MYO REPS Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Seated Leg Curl 12,9,7 42,5kg(+forced negatives)
Cybex Plate Loaded 45°Calf Raise ramping to 8 40kg
MYO REPS Cybex Hip Abduction Machine 19,16,10 58,5kg
MYO REPS Cybex Hip Adduction 11,7 49,5kg
Started training calf's
25 min 15% Incline treadmill 4kmh 250kcal
High day today
302P 893C 74F
Tomorrow check in pictures

High day 900 g carbs what did you eat? lol huge amounts there.