MYO REPS Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Seated Leg Curl 14,8,5 45kg(+forced negatives)
Cybex Plate Loaded 45°Calf Raise 10,7 50kg
MYO REPS Cybex Hip Abduction Machine 10,7,5 76,5kg
MYO REPS Cybex Hip Adduction 19,10 49,5kg
Knees pain this time around so no Quads...
MYO REPS Lat PullDown 15,10,6 105kg
MYO REPS Lat PullDown Upper Back 16,9,5 110kg
MYO REPS Gymleco T-Bar Lats Row 20,16,10 40kg
MYO REPS Gymleco T-Bar Row 14,8,6 65kg
MYO REPS Cybex Cable Behind Body Bicep Curl 22,16,10 18kg
MYO REPS Cybex Cable Reverse Fly 19,15,13,9 22,5kg dropset
Weird session on the weak side..
Cardio done on both days
I'm focused on getting as lean as I can get, i will get the result that I deserve on that day