Hey everyone! This is my first post but I'm going to strive to be a quite active member of this forum. I am currently planning for my first cycle of steriods ever. My initial plan was to start Test Cyp for 2 weeks, and then continue that along with Trenbolone Acetate. As for myself, I have been lifting regularly for a couple years right now, but I have a wicked Metabolism, and am quite a hardgainer. I currently weigh about 190 at 6'5. I'm currently in the offseason preparing for one of the most important sports seasons of my entire life, and gaining some muscle would make all the difference for my success! Since this is my first post ever on this forum, I would just love the opportunity to hear some advice from members that have experience and wisdom to share with me.
I'm open to literally anything, including trying a different cycle than what I suggested above. I've always been extremely curious about Tren, but would withhold from it if it is too much for me to take as a first time user. I'm also quite curious about the mg amount I should use for both Test Cyp and Tren Ace. (and any others)
Glad to be a part of the forum!
I'm open to literally anything, including trying a different cycle than what I suggested above. I've always been extremely curious about Tren, but would withhold from it if it is too much for me to take as a first time user. I'm also quite curious about the mg amount I should use for both Test Cyp and Tren Ace. (and any others)
Glad to be a part of the forum!