Hello new here just asking for advice i am gonna start prep in December the competition is in march 24 been working out natural for about 6 years now i am confused on many things like should i use tren or not and second is i was thinking about starting test e cycle only now then when prep month December comes i can add other compounds but if i did test e cycle now i can't quite cycle till March it will make my first cycle 26 weeks long which is really bad read on other people fourms any advice on both things tren and test e cycle now and one thing the competition is big country 2 biggest competition pro level any advice on how should i approch this cycle what compounds should i use on what dose's
@bulkhead$ welcome to the evolutionary.org family.
If you want to do a competition we can help you. But deciding to use trenbolone on 1st cycle isnt a good choice especially precontest.
I would do something way more dry precontest like primobolan with winstrol or anavar and some diet aids.
We have many competitors on the forums:
@Pigsy is prepping for the mr. universe
@s.gentz just did a show last year placed well for 1st show
@PrinceDaddy placed well in multiple shows this year
what do they all have in common? they all have logs going with details which is what we need from you.
But really, all of us here want to help you but we cant do that without you giving us more details on your diet training and history by posting a NEW thread with a log journal.
To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.
If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
Please post a Log Journal asap for us
Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT, you see: +POST THREAD
click that
in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My Pre-Contest Steroid Cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle
here are examples of LOG Journals
P.S. are you listening to our podcast? if not, you should: