Just so you're aware I'm not very knowledgeable on PEDs. But one thing I noticed was your maintenance calories being at only 2300 as a male at 280lbs. I am a female at 130lbs, and my maintenance calories are 2100. Very close to yours. You also mentioned you struggle to lose weight and you used to be athletic. I do agree with everyone else saying to lower your body fat before hopping on, and it's worth taking the time and effort to do so. It's very common for former athletes for example to gain a lot of fat after they stop training like they used to. I'd say the biggest thing that's going to help you out is training and getting down to a lower body fat by simply expending more energy during the day. I'd suggest a combination of *planned* cardio (I'm not sure what your abilities are, but stairmaster is great at burning calories in a short amount of time) and increasing your NEAT. NEAT is the more unplanned general activity you do throughout the day. Example in your lunch break go for a walk. Instead of sitting while doing XYZ task stand or pace around a bit. It really all adds up. Cardio and increasing NEAT are sooooo underestimated for fat loss.