Hey everyone.
I plan on running my first EQ cycle through the late spring and early summer. The goal is to keep the cardio high (preferably higher) and gain a little extra bulk in the legs and back.
Id like to keep my current weight where it is (or lower) cause I don’t want to be too heavy for running as that time is quite quick.
Currently 240lbs, and 6’10.
An Inbody assessment gave me a 10.9% body fat. Under 10 is a side goal.
I have a competition coming up involving lots of body weight exercises and a run shortly after Christmas. I currently run a 9:50 mile and a half, but want that closer to 9:15 this year. Running is the main bit, but I’d also like to boost my rep count in push-ups pull ups and sit ups as well.
My plan through the summer is test e and EQ, and in the late fall cardarine and ostarine to blast the last minute cardio and muscular endurance before my comp.
I plan on the Test EQ cycle being 300/300 as it’s my first time with the compound, and I’ll run that right through.
I’ll be running it for 13 weeks.
Aromasin at 12.5 eod and 50/25/25/25 nolva for PCT.
Off for another 12 weeks, then on the cardio sarms at 20/20 for 10 weeks
All my other cycles I’ve run a 500 test base, but I’ve read around a bit that it would be better to run the eq a tad higher then my test, and even thought about a 450/600 cycle. I’ve gotten a bit nervous about coming at EQ that high on my first go with it. This will be my lowest run test cycle ever, and may boost both the dosages up at week 6. Any thoughts on this?
I plan on running my first EQ cycle through the late spring and early summer. The goal is to keep the cardio high (preferably higher) and gain a little extra bulk in the legs and back.
Id like to keep my current weight where it is (or lower) cause I don’t want to be too heavy for running as that time is quite quick.
Currently 240lbs, and 6’10.
An Inbody assessment gave me a 10.9% body fat. Under 10 is a side goal.
I have a competition coming up involving lots of body weight exercises and a run shortly after Christmas. I currently run a 9:50 mile and a half, but want that closer to 9:15 this year. Running is the main bit, but I’d also like to boost my rep count in push-ups pull ups and sit ups as well.
My plan through the summer is test e and EQ, and in the late fall cardarine and ostarine to blast the last minute cardio and muscular endurance before my comp.
I plan on the Test EQ cycle being 300/300 as it’s my first time with the compound, and I’ll run that right through.
I’ll be running it for 13 weeks.
Aromasin at 12.5 eod and 50/25/25/25 nolva for PCT.
Off for another 12 weeks, then on the cardio sarms at 20/20 for 10 weeks
All my other cycles I’ve run a 500 test base, but I’ve read around a bit that it would be better to run the eq a tad higher then my test, and even thought about a 450/600 cycle. I’ve gotten a bit nervous about coming at EQ that high on my first go with it. This will be my lowest run test cycle ever, and may boost both the dosages up at week 6. Any thoughts on this?