I’m PUMPED to start my 12-week steroid cycle, and I want to give a special shoutout to @RandDPharma (@RofRandD & @DofRandD) for all of their help sourcing and supplying top-notch gear for this cutting phase, in particular his Test E, Primo and Winstrol caps (and EQ but not for this cycle). Other gear is supplied by and purchased from @BigBoyLabs for the Anavar tubs and @HybridLabs for the chikin feed cycle support and Clenbuterol.
- Age: Early 30s
- Weight: 88.4kg
- Height: 186cm
- Training Experience: Intermediate, with ~6 years of natural strength training off and on based on my health since I had a pretty bad motorbike accident a few years back that threw a spanner in the works concerning training and life in general.
- Cycle History: I've done one Test E and Masteron cycle @ 500mg each. I saw phenomenal results from this, given I had some muscle memory (I assume this was the case anyway)
- Injury & Health: I had a motorbike accident in July 2020 after getting smashed by a 4WD that went through a stop sign. I broke both of my arms pretty badly and fractured my C4 and C5 vertebrae, along with ripping my MCL and PCL ligaments from my right knee. I had to learn to walk and use my hands again, albeit heavily modified, and change jobs because of the accident.
Anyway, long story short, I recovered after 3.5 years off work, just focusing fixing myself and studying for the new job. I got back into training after literally withering away from my post-accident weight of 87 kg to 64kg.
Ideally, I like to lean down more (Say 78-80kg, give or take) and retain as much muscle as possible while cutting BF% with more attention to my shoulders and chest, as I'd like to grow these areas now and on the next bulking phase.
Just taking Chikin Feed at the moment along with Vit C 1000mg. No pain killers anymore - been off them cold turkey for a solid year now.
Chikin Feed Contents:
- 40mg Telmisartan
- 500mg Metformin
- 50mg Aspirin
- 5mg Cialis
- 250mg TUDCA
- 400mg AlphaGPC
- 600mg NAC
- Testosterone Enanthate: 300mg weekly (split into two injections on Monday & Friday). R&D Pharma supplied it.
- Primobolan Enanthate: 500mg weekly (split into two injections on Monday & Friday). R&D Pharma supplied it.
- Anavar: 20mg pre-workout, taken sublingually and supplied by BigBoyLabs.
- Clenbuterol: 100mcg taken daily and supplied by Hybrid Labs.
- Stanozolol: 20mg caps, taken daily after week six and supplied by R&D Pharma to really cut down on BF% in the later stages of the cutting phase.
From Week 6 onwards, I’ll add R&D Pharma’s Winstrol 20mg caps to enhance the cutting phase further. I'm open to changing the timing of when I add this in, as I've never used it before.
My training split is pretty easy, in my opinion, but I am happy to take suggestions and implement changes on anything and everything to achieve the best results possible. Here’s how I’m structuring my workouts for each phase of the cycle:
Cutting Phase: Training Schedule (12 weeks):
- Day 1: Shoulders, Traps and Abs
- Day 2: Chest and Triceps and Calves
- Day 3: Back and Biceps.
- Day 4: Legs
I'm currently on 2400 calories for cutting (pretty easy to hit on my appetite). I aim for 200/250g of daily protein intake but don't strictly track calories yet. I have downloaded Easy Diet Diary (an AUS-based app for tracking). I'll add pictures and a breakdown of what I eat before I go to work most days to keep myself accountable.
I've been eyeballing it usually, and I've been getting away with overeating because of how active I am while at work. I usually stick to a very predictable daily diet, which is generally low fat, and fill the rest with a variety of carb sources.
I'll be sharing photos of what I eat to illustrate what I mean. I'm open to feedback, of course.

Pre cycle blood test results:
To be added here (booked in for a test tomorrow morning at 9am)
Background information: Before the first cycle, my total T was 8.6ngol/L, and I was denied TRT, which led to finding this forum and all the good vendors we have to choose from here. So, to me, anything above that initial test will be fantastic.
Anyway, this is my first time logging anything like this, so be gentle. Again, I'm happy to take any and all suggestions so I can get the most out of this cutting phase and continue learning and honing my craft to improve my physique even further.