Hello !
I used to post here over 10 years ago. Forgot what my user name was but I had a YfZ 450 as my profile pick. Back then were the good old days of helladrol and katana, beastdrol etc!
Rick, Steve, Dylan G still kicking around here?
Cruising now on 100mgs test c per week and hcg @ 500 twice per week.
Any issue with adding 20mgs anavar twice a day for 6 weeks? I have liver and organ support that I take religiously, along with Liver HD, kidney HD and BPC 157 / TB500.
6'0 36 years old. 195, sub 10% BF but barely. Been training for 20 years. 18 years religiously. Goals these days are to just look and feel better than the average fucker my age.
I train 5 - 6 days a week. 1 Hour of weights, 45 min walking.
Hoping to post here regularly again.