Running my first cycle of gear test e 500mg(250mg on Tuesday/Friday). Side note tried sarms saw some gain did PCT now trying gea
Age 33
Height 6'0"
Weight 285lbs
Fish oil
Multi vitamin
Whey/isolate protein
(There are more how ever can't remember what all is in them I'll post pics after work today, there mostly to improve free test and sleep)
Work out
Monday off
Tuesday - pull up sets of 5 till failure
Wednesday - body weight squats sets of 25 till failure lunges sets of 30 till failure calve raises set of 100 till failure I do in super set with minimal rest between each set.
Thursday - declined push ups sets of 30 until failure with different with in grip
Friday - shoulder press dumbbells 60lbs 5x10
Lateral raise with fly variation 15 lb 5x15 lateral fly machine 150lb 5x12 or until failure
Leg press 540 lbs without machine weight 5x 10
Calve raises 540lbs 3x10 super set these with leg press.
Saturday - lat pull down wide/back grip variation 6x10
Cable row one hand 140lbs 6x10
3 sets each arm.
Straight arm pull downs 70lb 5x10
Deadlift 315lbs 3x10
Sunday - incline bench 225 3x10
Drips body weight 3x 10
Chest press 100lbs 6x10 3sets for each arm.
Cables flys 20lbs 6x10 I do 2 set of each in top middle and bottom set of machine to work upper lower and center chest.
Tricep push down 70lb 5x10
Machine dips 200lb 3x to failure.
Everyday - but off day I do 3x50 dumbbells skull crusher 15lb goals to getting 3x100
Dumbbell curl 3x20 15lb 3x20 goal is 3x600
Every other day - ab wheel 5x10
Break fast oats with protein powder and powder peanut butter
Lunch for this 2 weeks 2 sandwich 1/4lbs of turkey between the two.. tablespoon of avocado mayo of each and Dijon mustard 1 bag of atkins protein keto chips
Dinner this week is spaghetti made with protein pasta onion ppepper 96% lean ground beef
After work out 60g protein shake with I Tbs of powder peanut butter.
Before bed 48g of casin and sleep aid that's supposed to support free t... Pics coming later.
Honestly when it comes to counting macros I'm not to great at it and the app I use does dividend into portions and logs a crazy about of of macros for one meal.
This morning I took my second dose as. Still on week one of 12 to 15
Thanks in advance for advice or any suggestions
Age 33
Height 6'0"
Weight 285lbs
Fish oil
Multi vitamin
Whey/isolate protein
(There are more how ever can't remember what all is in them I'll post pics after work today, there mostly to improve free test and sleep)
Work out
Monday off
Tuesday - pull up sets of 5 till failure
Wednesday - body weight squats sets of 25 till failure lunges sets of 30 till failure calve raises set of 100 till failure I do in super set with minimal rest between each set.
Thursday - declined push ups sets of 30 until failure with different with in grip
Friday - shoulder press dumbbells 60lbs 5x10
Lateral raise with fly variation 15 lb 5x15 lateral fly machine 150lb 5x12 or until failure
Leg press 540 lbs without machine weight 5x 10
Calve raises 540lbs 3x10 super set these with leg press.
Saturday - lat pull down wide/back grip variation 6x10
Cable row one hand 140lbs 6x10
3 sets each arm.
Straight arm pull downs 70lb 5x10
Deadlift 315lbs 3x10
Sunday - incline bench 225 3x10
Drips body weight 3x 10
Chest press 100lbs 6x10 3sets for each arm.
Cables flys 20lbs 6x10 I do 2 set of each in top middle and bottom set of machine to work upper lower and center chest.
Tricep push down 70lb 5x10
Machine dips 200lb 3x to failure.
Everyday - but off day I do 3x50 dumbbells skull crusher 15lb goals to getting 3x100
Dumbbell curl 3x20 15lb 3x20 goal is 3x600
Every other day - ab wheel 5x10
Break fast oats with protein powder and powder peanut butter
Lunch for this 2 weeks 2 sandwich 1/4lbs of turkey between the two.. tablespoon of avocado mayo of each and Dijon mustard 1 bag of atkins protein keto chips
Dinner this week is spaghetti made with protein pasta onion ppepper 96% lean ground beef
After work out 60g protein shake with I Tbs of powder peanut butter.
Before bed 48g of casin and sleep aid that's supposed to support free t... Pics coming later.
Honestly when it comes to counting macros I'm not to great at it and the app I use does dividend into portions and logs a crazy about of of macros for one meal.
This morning I took my second dose as. Still on week one of 12 to 15
Thanks in advance for advice or any suggestions