Hey everyone hope you are doing well with your goals.
I am currently on my first cycle been working out naturally since I was 16, and I am currently 26 years old.
stats 6ft 1
weight 180lbs 81kg
My cycle
test E 200
Mast 2 200
planning to cycle for 12 weeks followed by a full PCT with Clomid and Nolva
currently in my 4th week of the cycle feeling better pumps, more horny and weights increasing steadily.
I debated taking gear for quite a while but I am glad that I waited till I had shown that I can stick to a diet and training protocol and understood the basics of training and nutrition before jumping on.
week 5 of cycle planning to increase dosages to
250 test E
250 Mast E 2
towards the 8-week mark of my cycle, I plan to up my dosage and add in NPP to push past strength plateau
300 Test E
300 Mast 3
Npp 100mg
training routine currently following a push-pull legs routine
incline bench 3 sets of 10 -12 drop set last set.
Hammer strength press 3 sets of 10 -12 reps
machine flys 3 sets of 8 -12 reps last set superset with push-ups till failure.
shoulders overhead press 3 sets of 10- 12
lateral raises 4 sets 10-12 reps
cable push downs 3 sets of 10- 12 reps
triceps dips 3 sets of 10 -12 reps
4 sets of weighted pull-ups 10 to 12 reps
seated hammer strength row 8-12 reps
single arm seated cable row supinated grip 8-12 reps
Iliac rows 8-12 reps
rear delt flys on pec deck machine 4 sets of 8-12 reps
machine biceps curls 3 sets of 8-12
dumbell hammer curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps
hack squat 3 sets of 8-12 reps
leg press 3 sets of 8-12 drop set last set.
leg extensions- 3 sets of 15-20 reps
lunges 3 sets
lying hamstring curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps drop set last set.
repeat training plan one day off on Sunday
300,000 calories
macros carbs 459
protein 191
fats 51
meal 1 breakfast
120 grams of oats
2 scoops of whey isolate
100 grams of strawberries.
meal 2 post workout meal.
100 grams cream of rice
2 scoops of whey isolate
100 grams of banana
or cream of rice
meal 3
2 cups of rice
200 grams of chicken breast with soy sauce carrots and cabbage
meal 4
200 grams tuna
2 cups of rice
1 cup of bone broth
100 grams of carrots
meal 5
200 grams of sweet potato
200 grams of chicken breast.
2 TBS of sugar-free barbeque sauce.
goals of the cycle
My ultimate goal would be to be around 95 kg/ 209 lbs ripped at 10% body fat, I feel that with my genetics I will need multiple blasts and cruises behind my belt before I am able to reach my goal.
I have decided to PCT after this cycle rather than running TRT due to wanting a job in the government where I would be required to travel, however during my next cycle I plan to blast and cruise so I don't lose the progress that I make if I was to come off the gear.
My strength gains have been consistent over the past 6 weeks, I plan to run NPP for the final 4 weeks of my cycle for an increase in strength.
what are your thoughts on my cycle so far? any tips for the remainder of my cycle? I plan to run cardarine to keep me lean and increase my endurance as a part of my cycle and PCT protocol. I have no aspirations of competing I just truly love the sport of bodybuilding and becoming the best version of myself.
Wishing you all the best with your goals. Thank you for checking out my log. Watch this space the gains are loading.
I am currently on my first cycle been working out naturally since I was 16, and I am currently 26 years old.
stats 6ft 1
weight 180lbs 81kg
My cycle
test E 200
Mast 2 200
planning to cycle for 12 weeks followed by a full PCT with Clomid and Nolva
currently in my 4th week of the cycle feeling better pumps, more horny and weights increasing steadily.
I debated taking gear for quite a while but I am glad that I waited till I had shown that I can stick to a diet and training protocol and understood the basics of training and nutrition before jumping on.
week 5 of cycle planning to increase dosages to
250 test E
250 Mast E 2
towards the 8-week mark of my cycle, I plan to up my dosage and add in NPP to push past strength plateau
300 Test E
300 Mast 3
Npp 100mg
training routine currently following a push-pull legs routine
incline bench 3 sets of 10 -12 drop set last set.
Hammer strength press 3 sets of 10 -12 reps
machine flys 3 sets of 8 -12 reps last set superset with push-ups till failure.
shoulders overhead press 3 sets of 10- 12
lateral raises 4 sets 10-12 reps
cable push downs 3 sets of 10- 12 reps
triceps dips 3 sets of 10 -12 reps
4 sets of weighted pull-ups 10 to 12 reps
seated hammer strength row 8-12 reps
single arm seated cable row supinated grip 8-12 reps
Iliac rows 8-12 reps
rear delt flys on pec deck machine 4 sets of 8-12 reps
machine biceps curls 3 sets of 8-12
dumbell hammer curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps
hack squat 3 sets of 8-12 reps
leg press 3 sets of 8-12 drop set last set.
leg extensions- 3 sets of 15-20 reps
lunges 3 sets
lying hamstring curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps drop set last set.
repeat training plan one day off on Sunday
300,000 calories
macros carbs 459
protein 191
fats 51
meal 1 breakfast
120 grams of oats
2 scoops of whey isolate
100 grams of strawberries.
meal 2 post workout meal.
100 grams cream of rice
2 scoops of whey isolate
100 grams of banana
or cream of rice
meal 3
2 cups of rice
200 grams of chicken breast with soy sauce carrots and cabbage
meal 4
200 grams tuna
2 cups of rice
1 cup of bone broth
100 grams of carrots
meal 5
200 grams of sweet potato
200 grams of chicken breast.
2 TBS of sugar-free barbeque sauce.
goals of the cycle
My ultimate goal would be to be around 95 kg/ 209 lbs ripped at 10% body fat, I feel that with my genetics I will need multiple blasts and cruises behind my belt before I am able to reach my goal.
I have decided to PCT after this cycle rather than running TRT due to wanting a job in the government where I would be required to travel, however during my next cycle I plan to blast and cruise so I don't lose the progress that I make if I was to come off the gear.
My strength gains have been consistent over the past 6 weeks, I plan to run NPP for the final 4 weeks of my cycle for an increase in strength.
what are your thoughts on my cycle so far? any tips for the remainder of my cycle? I plan to run cardarine to keep me lean and increase my endurance as a part of my cycle and PCT protocol. I have no aspirations of competing I just truly love the sport of bodybuilding and becoming the best version of myself.
Wishing you all the best with your goals. Thank you for checking out my log. Watch this space the gains are loading.