Hey friends...
I have done so much reading and watching and lurking in the past couple years of various content, forums, etc, and now I feel I have finally found a community that I'd like to make a public post about my journey and seek feedback!
I'm 34 and I've never been closer to fulfilling my fitness goals, not to mention life/spiritual/relationship/confidence/everything goals as well.
I've been trying to be in great shape since i was 15 years old. I think I have had a lot of factors weighing against me: poor genetics (which I'm not using as too much of an excuse but it's true - not a single member of my extended family is athletic or in any kind of decent shape), a mountain of repressed trauma (which I'm working on), poor guidance/research/understanding, and not having seriously played any sports where I'd learn how to use my body. So for 15 years on and off I basically wasted my time in the gym.
However - I think I finally started figuring some stuff out in the past couple years! I've learned how to push hard, how to eat enough, and how to use full ROM and deep stretches with exercises.
I started training more seriously in 2022. In two years I feel that I have learned a lot and improved a good amount.
In April 2024, I started TRT 150-200mg. I increased about 50-100mg per month until October. And then I went off cold turkey in November because I went to a plant medicine retreat and felt that I wanted to get off and see how I felt before continuing to take substances in the future. I've been off for 6 weeks now. I don't feel "on" and my libido is low - but still not that bad overall, which is surprising. I was in a pretty bad, low, and depressed place in the months (and whole life, really) before I started TRT and felt that it really gave me a serious boost of confidence that I needed. I made a lot of great improvements in my life and learned more about my true potential in the past 7 months. I felt that my efforts in the gym finally were equating to the results I saw in others. My physique didn't get to an amazing place, but I felt like I was on a really good trajectory. I'm thinking that I'll get back on some sort of stack soon and continue the path I was on. I have already reached out to a coach that I think I'll work with, but also wanted to see what the bros here are thinking and also have a good record for my future coach to see and read before we begin. From my research, I like the ideas of trying at different points combinations of Test, Primo, Anavar, and Proviron. I'm not trying to compete, I don't need results overnight, but I do want to make better progress than what I was doing naturally. The libido gains sound like a fun experience to have as well. I have a lot of questions and would love for people to answer any that they feel called to answer. Thanks for reading, guys.
I was prescribed Anastrazole but I never used it once. I had a considerable amount of acne on back and shoulders but I never experienced any sensations in my nipples, so never thought to take AI, even when I got up to 600mg test/week at the end there.
Compound ratios - So many differing opinions on ratio of test
rimo. everyone says something differently.. how does one decide? Also I really don't mind starting very low and slow! Health is #1 priority
HCG - I'd love to preserve fertility and testicular size any way that I can. Some people say HCG is great and should be used, while others say to avoid. Not sure what to think. I guess try for myself? I took it the first few months of TRT but then my doctor told me to take a break because generally it's what he recommends. I noticed shrinkage and didn't love it.
I always have a lot of digestive issues. diarrhea, gas, bloating, etc. What do you guys do?
I love pre-workout. But it causes so much anxiety. and i think makes my sleep bad. Maybe I'll just try coffee and not go overboard? Thoughts?
How to program in cardio and boxing/jiu jitsu? Some people say away from workouts. some people say different days. some say fasted in the morning. Normally i like to have slow easy mornings where I eat and get work done, and then do movement stuff later in the day.
Fertility concerns - I'd like to start a family within the next 5 years. What's a safe way to keep this in mind? Or just avoid anabolics altogether? Or is there a way to do it?
Going off anabolics after doing them - is it crazy to think I can do these things for a few years and then get fully off, keep some of my physique, and be a natural guy? After reading this forum in particular, it's starting to really seem like this becomes a life long thing for many people. Thoughts?
Mental health concerns - I'm in a good place and I'm a grounded person. But I do have issues, that I'm working on. I have a significant history of childhood sexual trauma that I'm actively working on and processing. I don't think serious compounds like Tren will ever make sense for me. Not worth the risk of how it could affect my mind.
Sourcing - particularly with Primo - I've seen recommendations about Para, or Ultima, or others. Again, like everything on the internet, some swear but one, while others say it's trash.. What do you guys think?
Sleep - one of the main foundations of life, and one of my main issues. I fall asleep easily but wake up a lot, and am lucky to get 5-6 hours. I've taken high doses of CBD, and melatonin, and valerian, and even some pharmaceuticals. Pretty much everything that works also causes other issues, which sucks. Any thoughts?
Eating before bed - I find it hard to get in my macros for the day and often eat before bed. Any opinions on this?
Tricep/back/ab - These are hard for me to get sore. Any thoughts or what has worked for you guys? Drop sets, etc?
Libido - libido and erection quality had never been a problem for me in my life, other than starting to develop a mild peyronies (curvature to side which doesn't cause any issues aside from aesthetic ) in the past 5 years or so. However, after about a couple months into TRT, I noticed that I'd get soft very quickly while changing sexual positions. A little annoying. I'd take Cialis but unfortunately the only dose that seemed to help would also cause really bad acid reflux and pressure in the head. It did make pumps in the gym fun though.
I experimented with my diet a lot in the past year and during this Test cycle. What I THINK works best for me is something around 3200 calories, 230g protein, 200-400g carbs (depending on if I'm also doing jiu jitsu, boxing, or running same day as lifting), and fats under 100g. I'm open to moving things around and experimenting.
Normal day
2-3 servings nonfat greek yogurt
papa steve raw protein bar and some sprouted brown rice cacao cereal
protein shake of cup low fat milk, 2 scoops whey, 2 frozen bananas, 3 tbsp honey
chicken, rice, veggies, or sandwich
steak, veggies
Workouts are typically push, pull, legs, but at different times during the cycle I would try to just be intuitive and add things like triceps or lateral raises even on a leg day if it felt like they weren't sore.. Not sure if this is advisable but I felt that it was working for me and it felt fun to be intuitive and creative in the gym. I was making progress and increasing strength on ALL lifts for several months doing this. I try to hit each body hard in the different ways the muscle moves for 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps. Also I played around with taking 1 to 1:30 min rests between sets and doing other body parts. For example, doing squats, and then some lateral raises, back and fourth. I liked this, felt more challenging, didn't cost me strength or fatigue, and kept me more active. I'm sure some of you guys won't love it, and again I'm open to experimenting with any different styles.
I also run at the beach for about 45 minutes 2-3x a week in the afternoons, or do jiu jitsu or boxing at night. Daily sex as well
I posted some photos of myself over the years and also some labs. the most recent labs are after getting off TRT and done in Spanish because I have been in South America but all the words are pretty easy to understand the equivalents. The T was low, at 200, and I've been taking 12.5 enclomiphene. Will probably look to add a TRT dose within a few weeks and then Primo after that, unless guidance here moves me in another direction.
Thank you guys for reading and I hope I did this correctly.
I have done so much reading and watching and lurking in the past couple years of various content, forums, etc, and now I feel I have finally found a community that I'd like to make a public post about my journey and seek feedback!
I'm 34 and I've never been closer to fulfilling my fitness goals, not to mention life/spiritual/relationship/confidence/everything goals as well.
I've been trying to be in great shape since i was 15 years old. I think I have had a lot of factors weighing against me: poor genetics (which I'm not using as too much of an excuse but it's true - not a single member of my extended family is athletic or in any kind of decent shape), a mountain of repressed trauma (which I'm working on), poor guidance/research/understanding, and not having seriously played any sports where I'd learn how to use my body. So for 15 years on and off I basically wasted my time in the gym.
However - I think I finally started figuring some stuff out in the past couple years! I've learned how to push hard, how to eat enough, and how to use full ROM and deep stretches with exercises.
I started training more seriously in 2022. In two years I feel that I have learned a lot and improved a good amount.
In April 2024, I started TRT 150-200mg. I increased about 50-100mg per month until October. And then I went off cold turkey in November because I went to a plant medicine retreat and felt that I wanted to get off and see how I felt before continuing to take substances in the future. I've been off for 6 weeks now. I don't feel "on" and my libido is low - but still not that bad overall, which is surprising. I was in a pretty bad, low, and depressed place in the months (and whole life, really) before I started TRT and felt that it really gave me a serious boost of confidence that I needed. I made a lot of great improvements in my life and learned more about my true potential in the past 7 months. I felt that my efforts in the gym finally were equating to the results I saw in others. My physique didn't get to an amazing place, but I felt like I was on a really good trajectory. I'm thinking that I'll get back on some sort of stack soon and continue the path I was on. I have already reached out to a coach that I think I'll work with, but also wanted to see what the bros here are thinking and also have a good record for my future coach to see and read before we begin. From my research, I like the ideas of trying at different points combinations of Test, Primo, Anavar, and Proviron. I'm not trying to compete, I don't need results overnight, but I do want to make better progress than what I was doing naturally. The libido gains sound like a fun experience to have as well. I have a lot of questions and would love for people to answer any that they feel called to answer. Thanks for reading, guys.
I was prescribed Anastrazole but I never used it once. I had a considerable amount of acne on back and shoulders but I never experienced any sensations in my nipples, so never thought to take AI, even when I got up to 600mg test/week at the end there.
Compound ratios - So many differing opinions on ratio of test

HCG - I'd love to preserve fertility and testicular size any way that I can. Some people say HCG is great and should be used, while others say to avoid. Not sure what to think. I guess try for myself? I took it the first few months of TRT but then my doctor told me to take a break because generally it's what he recommends. I noticed shrinkage and didn't love it.
I always have a lot of digestive issues. diarrhea, gas, bloating, etc. What do you guys do?
I love pre-workout. But it causes so much anxiety. and i think makes my sleep bad. Maybe I'll just try coffee and not go overboard? Thoughts?
How to program in cardio and boxing/jiu jitsu? Some people say away from workouts. some people say different days. some say fasted in the morning. Normally i like to have slow easy mornings where I eat and get work done, and then do movement stuff later in the day.
Fertility concerns - I'd like to start a family within the next 5 years. What's a safe way to keep this in mind? Or just avoid anabolics altogether? Or is there a way to do it?
Going off anabolics after doing them - is it crazy to think I can do these things for a few years and then get fully off, keep some of my physique, and be a natural guy? After reading this forum in particular, it's starting to really seem like this becomes a life long thing for many people. Thoughts?
Mental health concerns - I'm in a good place and I'm a grounded person. But I do have issues, that I'm working on. I have a significant history of childhood sexual trauma that I'm actively working on and processing. I don't think serious compounds like Tren will ever make sense for me. Not worth the risk of how it could affect my mind.
Sourcing - particularly with Primo - I've seen recommendations about Para, or Ultima, or others. Again, like everything on the internet, some swear but one, while others say it's trash.. What do you guys think?
Sleep - one of the main foundations of life, and one of my main issues. I fall asleep easily but wake up a lot, and am lucky to get 5-6 hours. I've taken high doses of CBD, and melatonin, and valerian, and even some pharmaceuticals. Pretty much everything that works also causes other issues, which sucks. Any thoughts?
Eating before bed - I find it hard to get in my macros for the day and often eat before bed. Any opinions on this?
Tricep/back/ab - These are hard for me to get sore. Any thoughts or what has worked for you guys? Drop sets, etc?
Libido - libido and erection quality had never been a problem for me in my life, other than starting to develop a mild peyronies (curvature to side which doesn't cause any issues aside from aesthetic ) in the past 5 years or so. However, after about a couple months into TRT, I noticed that I'd get soft very quickly while changing sexual positions. A little annoying. I'd take Cialis but unfortunately the only dose that seemed to help would also cause really bad acid reflux and pressure in the head. It did make pumps in the gym fun though.
I experimented with my diet a lot in the past year and during this Test cycle. What I THINK works best for me is something around 3200 calories, 230g protein, 200-400g carbs (depending on if I'm also doing jiu jitsu, boxing, or running same day as lifting), and fats under 100g. I'm open to moving things around and experimenting.
Normal day
2-3 servings nonfat greek yogurt
papa steve raw protein bar and some sprouted brown rice cacao cereal
protein shake of cup low fat milk, 2 scoops whey, 2 frozen bananas, 3 tbsp honey
chicken, rice, veggies, or sandwich
steak, veggies
Workouts are typically push, pull, legs, but at different times during the cycle I would try to just be intuitive and add things like triceps or lateral raises even on a leg day if it felt like they weren't sore.. Not sure if this is advisable but I felt that it was working for me and it felt fun to be intuitive and creative in the gym. I was making progress and increasing strength on ALL lifts for several months doing this. I try to hit each body hard in the different ways the muscle moves for 3-5 sets of 8-15 reps. Also I played around with taking 1 to 1:30 min rests between sets and doing other body parts. For example, doing squats, and then some lateral raises, back and fourth. I liked this, felt more challenging, didn't cost me strength or fatigue, and kept me more active. I'm sure some of you guys won't love it, and again I'm open to experimenting with any different styles.
I also run at the beach for about 45 minutes 2-3x a week in the afternoons, or do jiu jitsu or boxing at night. Daily sex as well

I posted some photos of myself over the years and also some labs. the most recent labs are after getting off TRT and done in Spanish because I have been in South America but all the words are pretty easy to understand the equivalents. The T was low, at 200, and I've been taking 12.5 enclomiphene. Will probably look to add a TRT dose within a few weeks and then Primo after that, unless guidance here moves me in another direction.
Thank you guys for reading and I hope I did this correctly.