I would say getting into sports at a young age eventually drove me into the weight room, I was just an average teen not fat yet not under weight, my high-school strength coach who was a very accomplished high-school and D1 college football athlete is what really got me serious into weights and training. Two years into training I went from no deadlift into a 505lb Deadlift with his training and guidance.
I stopped after high-school then got into semi pro american football in my early 20s and my journey started back up, I played football till I was 30 years of age I played outside linebacker and middle linebacker also did kick punt and special teams I rarely left the field lol.
Bodybuilding has always been my true love and passion so I've been hardcore gym rat since my 20s I never thought I could amount to much, I have decent genetics, then one day I found this place and I got to know alot of the guys here and they've been so helpful and helping me realize I can chase my vison and possibly do something within the world of bodybuilding and fitness even if it's small it's something I can say I did it and had a whole community behind me helping me reach it.
Gearhead who is on here has helped me more than anyone will ever know, years ago I took a break from the message boards and said I would return when I got my head clear as i hit a bad depression, he welcomed me back with open arms when I was ready and has helped me so much and teaching me constantly, I take up so much of that poor guys time yet he remains a class act and a true brother and friend in the Iron brotherhood, if it is one person who always believed and believes in me it is him and he helped me realize I could reach my full potential and go for my dream and vision, as well as the entire community here is amazing and I am grateful for everyone in it.
I can ask anyone for help here and no matter what they get back with u and help you fully, this is a beautiful place that i love being part of!

people truly want to see you succeed here and it's rare having that these days so it is important I also help always and give back to the best of my ability.
My favorite all time body builder is Frank Zane and I love the shredded look the best.
Funny enough when I started training I was 240lbs roughly the one photo I was 195lbs the other photo I was 215lbs
I will show the photo progression when i achieved the best shape i had ever been in. when I first started working out looking pretty average and two photos show half way progress and final progress years apart from one another.
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