Genesis Labs 

Do not message me for the list and check the payment options and research Cardless Cash before messaging my contact

I look after all my customers i have been in this business for 35 years and I am still going strong if there are any problems please be respectful and you will always be happy with the outcome

All orders are sent the same day and everything on the list is in stock unless declared out of stock
Trackers will be provided if your pack is taking a bit to long as all customers deserve good service .
Genesis Labs respond to all messages quickly thanks for the support
Buy 5 vials get $5 off each vial
Buy 10 vials get $10 off each vial
Buy 15 vials get $15 off each vial
Not including Primobolan.....
Bulk enquiries send me a list and I will see what I can do .
Basic Oils

Testosterone enanthate 250mg/ml $80ea
Sustanon 250mg/ml $85ea
Test propionate 100mg/ml $80ea
Tren acetate 100mg/ml $80ea
Tren enanthate 200mg/ml $85ea
Nandrolone decanoate 200mg/ml $85ea
Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100mg/ml $80ea
EQ Boldenone 200mg/ml $80ea
Masteron enanthate 200mg/ml $85ea
Masteron propionate 100mg/ml $80ea
Primobolan enanthate 100mg/ml $115ea
Primobolan enanthate 200mg $140ea

Carrier oil is 100% MCT
Pharma Amps

Evolve Biolab Primobolan enanthate 100mg/1ml amp x 10 $150ea
Searle Test E 250mg 1ml x 10 amps $135ea
Searle Sus 250mg 1ml x 10 amps $135ea
Basic UGL Pressed Tabs

Anavar tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Dbol tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Stanazol tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Anadrol tabs 50mg x 50 tabs $165ea

Anavar caps 20mg x 100 $140ea
Dbol caps 25mg x 100 $140ea
Stanazol caps 20mg x 100 $140ea
Anadrol caps 50mg x 50 $140ea
Have both pressed tabs and caps available both work just depends on personal preference as some like caps and some tabs

Blue top 100iu kits $335ea i have them available if the main sponsors run out

BPC157 : 5 mg $100ea
BPC157: 10mg $200ea
TB500 : 5 mg

Clen 150mcg/ml x 30ml $80ea
T3 200mcg/ml x 30ml $80ea

Hcg 5000iu $110ea
UGL Nolvadex 20mg x 50 tabs $160ea
UGL Arimidex 1mg x 50 tabs $160ea
UGL Proviron 25mg x 50 tabs $170ea
Pharma Products

Nolvadex 20mg x 30 tabs $70ea
Arimidex 1mg x 30 $130ea
Cialis Vidalista 20mg x 10 strip $40ea
Clomid 50mg x 30 $80ea
Aromasin 25mg x 30 $120ea

Lantus 100iu $100ea
Novorapid 300iu $100ea
Payment options : BTC

Cardless cash : CBA , Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne and Bank of SA

Bank account payments

2 Item minimum order thanks
$20 Postage for stealth packing
No Time wasters have your order and payment ready !!!!!! Do not message me for the list !!!!!!

via Element App :
Element is preferred as notification is instant.
via Session App : 05fe6082bf8555f59b4a22626275d7641cb8fb621a9e56d700fabd78d96c0deb45

Do not message me for the list and check the payment options and research Cardless Cash before messaging my contact

I look after all my customers i have been in this business for 35 years and I am still going strong if there are any problems please be respectful and you will always be happy with the outcome

All orders are sent the same day and everything on the list is in stock unless declared out of stock

Trackers will be provided if your pack is taking a bit to long as all customers deserve good service .
Genesis Labs respond to all messages quickly thanks for the support

Buy 5 vials get $5 off each vial
Buy 10 vials get $10 off each vial
Buy 15 vials get $15 off each vial
Not including Primobolan.....
Bulk enquiries send me a list and I will see what I can do .
Basic Oils

Testosterone enanthate 250mg/ml $80ea
Sustanon 250mg/ml $85ea
Test propionate 100mg/ml $80ea
Tren acetate 100mg/ml $80ea
Tren enanthate 200mg/ml $85ea
Nandrolone decanoate 200mg/ml $85ea
Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100mg/ml $80ea
EQ Boldenone 200mg/ml $80ea
Masteron enanthate 200mg/ml $85ea
Masteron propionate 100mg/ml $80ea
Primobolan enanthate 100mg/ml $115ea

Primobolan enanthate 200mg $140ea

Carrier oil is 100% MCT
Pharma Amps

Evolve Biolab Primobolan enanthate 100mg/1ml amp x 10 $150ea
Searle Test E 250mg 1ml x 10 amps $135ea
Searle Sus 250mg 1ml x 10 amps $135ea
Basic UGL Pressed Tabs

Anavar tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Dbol tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Stanazol tabs 10mg x 100 $135ea
Anadrol tabs 50mg x 50 tabs $165ea

Anavar caps 20mg x 100 $140ea
Dbol caps 25mg x 100 $140ea
Stanazol caps 20mg x 100 $140ea
Anadrol caps 50mg x 50 $140ea
Have both pressed tabs and caps available both work just depends on personal preference as some like caps and some tabs


Blue top 100iu kits $335ea i have them available if the main sponsors run out

BPC157 : 5 mg $100ea
BPC157: 10mg $200ea
TB500 : 5 mg


Clen 150mcg/ml x 30ml $80ea
T3 200mcg/ml x 30ml $80ea

Hcg 5000iu $110ea
UGL Nolvadex 20mg x 50 tabs $160ea
UGL Arimidex 1mg x 50 tabs $160ea
UGL Proviron 25mg x 50 tabs $170ea
Pharma Products

Nolvadex 20mg x 30 tabs $70ea
Arimidex 1mg x 30 $130ea
Cialis Vidalista 20mg x 10 strip $40ea
Clomid 50mg x 30 $80ea
Aromasin 25mg x 30 $120ea

Lantus 100iu $100ea

Novorapid 300iu $100ea
Payment options : BTC

Cardless cash : CBA , Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne and Bank of SA

Bank account payments

2 Item minimum order thanks
$20 Postage for stealth packing

No Time wasters have your order and payment ready !!!!!! Do not message me for the list !!!!!!


Element is preferred as notification is instant.