Why am I doing this.
Because I fucken hate being small.
I was 105kg a month ago.
Then I got sick, just a virus, but still.
Knocked me down to 100kg in the space of a week.
With all the additional stress, training and nutrition fell apart.
Now I’m down to 99kg.
It’s mostly fluid and some bodyfat.
But my diet has been so shit I mean who knows if I’m catabolizing muscle.
In terms of compounds, I’m currently cruising;
- 250 Test E
- 100 EQ U
- 100 DECA
300 test has me low 30s total T, just inside high end of range.
Last log indicates 250 bloods pulled mid 20s.
But I also aromatize like a mother fucker.
Cruising has E2 above range just north of 200, around 60pg/mL.
I’ve always run mast alongside to mitigate tits.
But I had been feeling fatigued, dick wasn’t always as cooperative as I’d like.
So I figured I’d put a dent in E2 rather than just masking it.
Hence the low dose EQ.
I threw low dose deca in the mix because my joints are being little bitches.
But I only made the switch mid cruise, so I’m sticking with these compounds.
And throwing Tren in because fuck you it’s Tren.
First time running Deca, outside of current cruise.
First time cycling EQ at high dose.
Also the first time I’ll be using TNE and Tren Base. Pretty fucken keen.
I don't usually destroy my liver or kidneys, so I tend to let them do their job on cycle, and run support post cycle.
I will however run NAC for the duration.
I’ve had no problem with Sdrol before, but on top of everything else, not gonna wait for my liver to kick me in the guts.
16 weeks end to end might be a bit harsh so I’m gonna run the PWOs 2 weeks on 1 week off.
Cialis for BP and general well being.
Doxy because I have inherently shit skin. Even on cruise it’s battered.
I cycle on and off every 12ish weeks year round regardless of cycles.
I have naturally occurring gyno in the right nipple pre existing.
In all my cycles it’s never grown.
It did blow out during a period of extended down time, drinking, depression.
Now I’m pretty conscious of it on cycle.
As I’m not running mast, I’ll start with nolva EOD for the duration as I did last cycle.
I’ll monitor the tit along with any other E2 effects and have adex ready.
In the past .25mg EOD has treated me well.
Splitting caps 4 ways can eat a dick.
But last cycle I tried 1 full mg E7D and it tanked me.
So I’m gonna split a cap 2 ways and dose .5mg every other pin, see how that goes, if required.
Hopefully EQ carries the load and I won’t need to.
P5P coz tren and deca.
I have an activated B complex containing 80mg P5P.
I think I might dose 1 cap EOD for the duration.
Being my first run with deca, on top of the tren, rather not wait for the tits.
Again slightly cautious, last tren cycle at 500mg, this stuff tanked me.
Log says 80mg ED but I know I was taking 2 caps at one point.
Play it by ear and see how it feels.