I am just throwing this out here because I got little wild with the orals this cycle and I have run a long cycle. Ran labs before and just a week ago at week 15. Below is a copy and past from what I posted to a guy on redit. Feel free to shit on me for being dumb but I have monitored my labs and sides and this is not my first cycle. I have fun 5 SARM only stacked cycles previously and this time threw.in some AAS's to compare. I didn't take before pics but I started at 228 lbs with about 18-20% body fat, a little chunky. And push up to consistent 232-234 lbs weighing daily same time in afternoon at the beginning of my workouts. And my body fat dropped to 14-15%. All and all it wasn't a bad cycle and I was a little more full with the anadrol in the cycle but definitely felt like I was more wet and not quite as hard and veiny as when I am without it. Dide on reddit was asking about experince with longer oral cycles. EXCERPT FROM MY REDDIT RESPONSE:
"Just check your blood work at 8 weeks or 12 weeks and see how you feel. I am on trt so shutting down doesn't make any difference to me. You can always grab some clomid or hcg or kisspeptin 10 to keep the faucet on. The other thing to keep an eye on is making sure you run some BPC157 and tb500 periodically. If I am going to run a long cycle I will use bpc and tb from around 6 or 8 weeks on to improve my tissue, ligaments and tendons repair and recover to help avoid serious joint injury/pain as I push my strength up and lift heavier. People say your strength is stuff will crash at week 12 but that's usually because they don't understand systemic fatigue and they are not training in 4-5 week blocks with a deload week between. If you do notice your strength decline drop your sets and reps in half for 4-6 days and then test again. If the strength curve has not rebounded then it's time to take a longer deload and drop your cycle for 4 weeks then test labs again. You won't need to worry so much about your organs like liver and kidneys if you just run proper support supplements like tudca, nutrissa cycle support and CoQ10. Honestly for me the hardest thing to manage is my elbows and knees with the repetitive heavy lifting for long durations. I am on like week 16 now running LGD 4033, RAD 140 then replaced with RAD150 at 4 weeks, mk677 for growth hormone, turinbol the whole time to check my shbg because I am also on 200 test a week, and I have been running Trestalone this cycle for the first time (which I like alot), I even threw in anadrol oral from about week 10 to week 15 which was my first cycle for that as well. On top of that I have been taking DIM and an AI to keep my estrogen conversion in check. Just did labs the day after I dropped the anadrol and they looked pretty dam good for such an oral heavy cycle. I mostly take the SARMS with the other orals because of the benefits to prostate and a few other things. My body tends to handle stuff pretty well though and I don't have a lot of sides. Liver enzymes were both just a little over the reference range at like 80 and 49 with the top of the reference being about 50... also I generally just have high in the reference range liver enzymes anyways and always have. Estradiol was low for me at 25 and shbg was at 12 with the bottom end of the range being 10. The only other thing that was high was creatinine but just barely and that's expected with all the creatine I take. I am probably just.going to lower my intake a bit and keep my trest and test and crude for recovery while I run a short 4 week cycle of semaglutide low dose to repair my liver because I find that it works very well to check both glucose down from the pre-diabetic threshold and brings my liver enzymes down as it repairs any fatty liver buildup."
"Just check your blood work at 8 weeks or 12 weeks and see how you feel. I am on trt so shutting down doesn't make any difference to me. You can always grab some clomid or hcg or kisspeptin 10 to keep the faucet on. The other thing to keep an eye on is making sure you run some BPC157 and tb500 periodically. If I am going to run a long cycle I will use bpc and tb from around 6 or 8 weeks on to improve my tissue, ligaments and tendons repair and recover to help avoid serious joint injury/pain as I push my strength up and lift heavier. People say your strength is stuff will crash at week 12 but that's usually because they don't understand systemic fatigue and they are not training in 4-5 week blocks with a deload week between. If you do notice your strength decline drop your sets and reps in half for 4-6 days and then test again. If the strength curve has not rebounded then it's time to take a longer deload and drop your cycle for 4 weeks then test labs again. You won't need to worry so much about your organs like liver and kidneys if you just run proper support supplements like tudca, nutrissa cycle support and CoQ10. Honestly for me the hardest thing to manage is my elbows and knees with the repetitive heavy lifting for long durations. I am on like week 16 now running LGD 4033, RAD 140 then replaced with RAD150 at 4 weeks, mk677 for growth hormone, turinbol the whole time to check my shbg because I am also on 200 test a week, and I have been running Trestalone this cycle for the first time (which I like alot), I even threw in anadrol oral from about week 10 to week 15 which was my first cycle for that as well. On top of that I have been taking DIM and an AI to keep my estrogen conversion in check. Just did labs the day after I dropped the anadrol and they looked pretty dam good for such an oral heavy cycle. I mostly take the SARMS with the other orals because of the benefits to prostate and a few other things. My body tends to handle stuff pretty well though and I don't have a lot of sides. Liver enzymes were both just a little over the reference range at like 80 and 49 with the top of the reference being about 50... also I generally just have high in the reference range liver enzymes anyways and always have. Estradiol was low for me at 25 and shbg was at 12 with the bottom end of the range being 10. The only other thing that was high was creatinine but just barely and that's expected with all the creatine I take. I am probably just.going to lower my intake a bit and keep my trest and test and crude for recovery while I run a short 4 week cycle of semaglutide low dose to repair my liver because I find that it works very well to check both glucose down from the pre-diabetic threshold and brings my liver enzymes down as it repairs any fatty liver buildup."