Hi folks,
Current cycle (I plan on a 5 week bridge after last test/mast shot and bridge with anavar) 12 week cycle but to stop tren during week 10. And test /mast in week. 12.
Arimidex 0.5 twice a week but stopped taking after I stopped with dbol. I’m not very sensitive to estrogen (I think based on previous cycles)
Caber 0.5mg every 6 days
Jan 19 to Jam 29 2024 dbol 30mg
Jan 27 200mg Test (0.6ml) 200 mg masteron (1ml)
30 Jan 200mg Test (0.6) 200mg Masteron (1ml)
3 Feb 150mg test E 200mg Masteron 100mg Tren E (0.5ml)
7 Feb 150mg test E 200mg Masteron 100mg Tren E (0.5ml)
repeat until 2 April 2024.
Bridge for 5-6 weeks with anavar and HCG and then begin PCT. Chlomid tamoxifen aromison
I’ve stopped the caber about 2 weeks ago. And stopped Tren a week before results(stopped on Feb 13).
Sorry if this isn’t in the correct place, but details are in my log but basically feeling quite drowsy after 3 odd weeks of cycle but wondering based on blood work if there is anything I should be worried about ? Or change within cycle or stop altogether?
Current cycle (I plan on a 5 week bridge after last test/mast shot and bridge with anavar) 12 week cycle but to stop tren during week 10. And test /mast in week. 12.
Arimidex 0.5 twice a week but stopped taking after I stopped with dbol. I’m not very sensitive to estrogen (I think based on previous cycles)
Caber 0.5mg every 6 days
Jan 19 to Jam 29 2024 dbol 30mg
Jan 27 200mg Test (0.6ml) 200 mg masteron (1ml)
30 Jan 200mg Test (0.6) 200mg Masteron (1ml)
3 Feb 150mg test E 200mg Masteron 100mg Tren E (0.5ml)
7 Feb 150mg test E 200mg Masteron 100mg Tren E (0.5ml)
repeat until 2 April 2024.
Bridge for 5-6 weeks with anavar and HCG and then begin PCT. Chlomid tamoxifen aromison
I’ve stopped the caber about 2 weeks ago. And stopped Tren a week before results(stopped on Feb 13).
Sorry if this isn’t in the correct place, but details are in my log but basically feeling quite drowsy after 3 odd weeks of cycle but wondering based on blood work if there is anything I should be worried about ? Or change within cycle or stop altogether?