your triglycerides are high as well and need to come down... diet plays a large role on cholesterol numbers as well.. what kind of supplements are you taking? Yes, your estrogen absolutely needs to come down.. the supplement DIM will help as a natural supplement but its clear you need to address it with it an AI... keep in mind a few things with hcg.. it can increase estrogen and if you are under the impression hcg alone is going to help fertility you are heavily mistaken... hcg is a small part of a fertility protocol but the amount you are taking would be far insufficient in that protocol and as i said, its a very minor piece to that equation, where HMG is the key along with clomd and then hcg... hcg is very unnecessary and often very misused.. you DO NOT need 200 mg of test for a trt dose.. thats for people with sever hypogonadal conditions... your test levels are too high to constantly be at.. 600-650 is a great number that is healthy to be at... 150 mg of test for you per week would be plenty if this is a trt dose we are talking about...