Please give me your advices brothers
I’ve taken 250 test E and 400 primobolan for 6 weeks ,then i stopped the primo
Then i jumped straight 300 Test e with 150 to 200 tren A and gw cardarine for 6 weeks
On week 6 i done blood work
My blood work is perfect only issue is that shows my free testosterone is 1563 pmol/L which doctor said it’s high !
I don’t have any issue no night sweat no fatigue, only a little hair loss , which is genetic to my family but everything is good, i gained 5kg muscle, i have 15% body fat with 172 height.
75 kg weight. I want to continue my tren cycle at least 4 weeks more , my goal is to keep bulking clean , my diet is good , 2900 calorie a day ,
What should i do? Do i stop my cycle and do pct or drop test completely or switch to another thing?
I listen to your advices brothers.
Please give me your advices brothers
I’ve taken 250 test E and 400 primobolan for 6 weeks ,then i stopped the primo
Then i jumped straight 300 Test e with 150 to 200 tren A and gw cardarine for 6 weeks
On week 6 i done blood work
My blood work is perfect only issue is that shows my free testosterone is 1563 pmol/L which doctor said it’s high !
I don’t have any issue no night sweat no fatigue, only a little hair loss , which is genetic to my family but everything is good, i gained 5kg muscle, i have 15% body fat with 172 height.
75 kg weight. I want to continue my tren cycle at least 4 weeks more , my goal is to keep bulking clean , my diet is good , 2900 calorie a day ,
What should i do? Do i stop my cycle and do pct or drop test completely or switch to another thing?
I listen to your advices brothers.