Im a 34 y/o male. 6 ft tall. currently 249lbs. 21% Body fat. I started at 315lbs @ 36% BF. I found some motivation back in Dec of '22 and built a home gym and started going to town on working out. After experimenting with some SARMs, my buddy quickly got me on Test. That lead into my first cycle in Jan. I was really reckless now looking back. I cycled Test and Tren for 8 weeks. Then started Clenbuterol after. After about month I started on a huge ( to me) cycle:
750 Test Sus/week ( 15 weeks)
600 Tren A/ week ( 15 weeks)
400 Primo/week ( 15 weeks)
100 mg oral Winny (60 days)
120mcg Clen oral (2 weeks on weeks off)
I went to 23% BF and had MASSIVE gains. I got off since I hurt my elbow. Thats been 2 months ago. Elbow is healed up and Im lifting again heavy. Still satying around 21% BF and not as lean as on cycle but looking good. Im wanting to get back on but I have some questions. I had a shitty PCT getting off. I took Nova ( 3 weeks) and Clomid ( 3 weeks) HCGenerate from N2G as well. I didnt know what I was doing and kinda winged it.
My question is this. I feel like that cycle I was on, worked really well for me. Alot of pinning and orals but I felt great and my blood work came back fine mid cycle for all my organs. I want to start the same cycle in Nov. My diet is on point and I track all my macros easily.
What do you think of this cycle, what would you change, whats the best PCT for this? Positive advice is greatly appreciated.
750 Test Sus/week ( 15 weeks)
600 Tren A/ week ( 15 weeks)
400 Primo/week ( 15 weeks)
100 mg oral Winny (60 days)
120mcg Clen oral (2 weeks on weeks off)
I went to 23% BF and had MASSIVE gains. I got off since I hurt my elbow. Thats been 2 months ago. Elbow is healed up and Im lifting again heavy. Still satying around 21% BF and not as lean as on cycle but looking good. Im wanting to get back on but I have some questions. I had a shitty PCT getting off. I took Nova ( 3 weeks) and Clomid ( 3 weeks) HCGenerate from N2G as well. I didnt know what I was doing and kinda winged it.
My question is this. I feel like that cycle I was on, worked really well for me. Alot of pinning and orals but I felt great and my blood work came back fine mid cycle for all my organs. I want to start the same cycle in Nov. My diet is on point and I track all my macros easily.
What do you think of this cycle, what would you change, whats the best PCT for this? Positive advice is greatly appreciated.