Newbie Brother
I don't have trust in SARMs, and I'm a little bit convinced SARMs are being faked.
So, if I buy MK677, what is the best way to prove its legit and works?
I think that doing HGH level tests each day for 10 days before taking mk677, is a good option? Doing several tests will allow me to get an average estimate about the HGH level and it's fluctuations.
Otherwise, if I just take mk677, without doing any HGH tests prior that, how will I know the increased HGH level is caused by mk677, not by a fluctuation? And how will I know my HGH level on mk677 is the way it is because of mk677, and hasn't been the way it is even before that, and it didn't change when I started using mk677, because the mk677 product I have is fake and placebo.
What do you think? Is the strategy I made up good?
I'm primarily interested in having high-end HGH levels and a boosted ghrelin hormone.
So, if I buy MK677, what is the best way to prove its legit and works?
I think that doing HGH level tests each day for 10 days before taking mk677, is a good option? Doing several tests will allow me to get an average estimate about the HGH level and it's fluctuations.
Otherwise, if I just take mk677, without doing any HGH tests prior that, how will I know the increased HGH level is caused by mk677, not by a fluctuation? And how will I know my HGH level on mk677 is the way it is because of mk677, and hasn't been the way it is even before that, and it didn't change when I started using mk677, because the mk677 product I have is fake and placebo.
What do you think? Is the strategy I made up good?
I'm primarily interested in having high-end HGH levels and a boosted ghrelin hormone.