Check in
Monday 3rd February 2025.
Weight 67.8kg
Height 167cm
Age 48
HGH 1.5iu nightly
HRT; Test Cyp 5mg weekly, Progesterone days 14-28 of cycle. Estrogen 2.5mg daily.
Magnesium, fish oils, Vit A/D/K. NAC, Creatine. Desiccated Thyriod.
Retatrutide .5mg twice weekly
So this is my first week starting with coach
@AE1079 !!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve not had a coach for over a year, I’m super excited to be coached by
@AE1079 he really knows his stuff!
This along with my amazing supps from
@Liquid Gold Labs and I feel like this has given me a real boost and the direction I’ve desperately needed, as I felt quite lost what to do before. Im excited to see how my body changes and responds over the coming months!
So Calories this week are set at 1720… just to see how my body responds. These first few weeks will be tweaking my calories And Calories will be adjusted as needed based on the feedback provided to my coach.
So far I’m feeling good, mentally and emotionally and energy in gym has been good too. Sleeping like a baby on the HGH! Fantastic stuff
@Liquid Gold Labs
My new training program is different to what I’m used to, but so far I’ve enjoyed it, and feel it’s sustainable for me with my fatigue issues.
I’m also trialing micro dosing Retatrutide for its many health benefits, hoping with the low doses I won’t feel any side affects such as nausea or appetite suppression (which I haven’t had yet,but it’s only week 1) And hoping it will help with inflammation and pain, fingers crossed!
Please note; this plan & programme has been designed exclusively tailored to my needs and my health. It may not suit everyone and that’s ok,cause it’s my plan based on my body, my health & my goals.
My new training programme is much higher reps then I’m used to… used to the 6-8 rep range, so I found I had to lower the weights for the higher rep ranges… but heck.. my arms felt like jelly after this session!
Compared to you all my weights are so tiny! But hopefully by the end of 2025 I can look back and say wow! Look how far I’ve come!

Push day;
ISO Lateral Chest Press Machine
Warm up sets x 2 @3.5
Set 1 8.5kg x 12
Set 2 8.5kg x 12
Set 3. 8.5kg x 12
Set 4. 8.5kg x 12
Super set
DB Lateral raise
Warm up sets x2 3kg x 10
Set 1. 5kg x 12
Set 2. 5kg x 12
Set 3. 5kg x 12
DB Front raise
Set 1. 3kg x 12reps
Set 2. 3kg. X 12reps
Set 3. 3kg x 10.5 reps
ISO lateral Machine Shoulder Press
Warm up sets x 2 @ 7.5kg
Set 1. 12.5kg x 15
Set 2. 12.5kg x 15
Set 3. 12.5kg x 15
Set 4. 12.5kg x 15
Tricep dips
Body weight on bench
Set 1. X 10
Set 2 x 10
Set 3 x 10
Pics of meals to come.
Thank you all for following and for all your positive encouragement it always means a lot.