Absolutely appreciate that brother but I’m no ifbb pro just yet, this will be my first time competing EVER so it will be true novice and amateur category but holy hell a pro card is the goal and mark my words you guys will be along for the journey
My diet currently is as follows
Breakfast/ pre workout meal:
160 grams raw weight jasmin rice
225 grams raw weight chicken breast
100 grams pineapple
Post workout meal:
160 grams freedom foods rice puffs
1 scoop of desired protien powder ( I’m using rule 1 isolate peanut butter choc)
150 grams of 0 fat skim milk
meal 3:
150 grams raw weight chicken breast
25 grams avacado
25 grams lettuce
2 slices of tommato
2 slices of Bega 50% less fat 40% more protein cheese
2 tip top burger buns
Meal 4:
3 egg whites and 2 whole eggs
100 grams of lean beef mince
25 grams of spinach
25 grams of avacado
3 slices of tommato
2 pieces of sourdough bread
Meal 5:
200 grams of chiobani low fat high protein greek yogurt
100 grams of banana
100 grams of strawberries
20 grams of Lindt sea salt caramel chocolate
Intra workout:
30 grams carbohydrate moltodextrin
Other daily supplements include
2x 900 EPA/DHA fish oil
1x Vitamin D3 x 5000ius
1x B comlex
1 x zinc picolinate x 100mg
1 x vitamin K (M7) x 100mg
1x magnesium (chelated) x 600mgs
1x creatine monohydrate x 5g
1x melatonin x 5mg
1x vitamin C x 1000mg
1x vitamin E x 400mg
1 x citrus burgamont x 1000mg
Plus I take force elements night ops pre bed (sleep and recovery aid)
I also supplement 8 grams of salt throughout the day either on food or in water
I’ll post my leg day when I get a chance today