Karl With a K
Newbie Brother
Hey everyone new to this site, but glad to join.
Having a issue with my right glute where I pinned
Just started another cycle, I’m 25 and have been on and off since 19. It’s been anout 14 months since since my last one and I just started sus 250.
I pinned this past Tuesday, right glute. It’s Friday now, and I 100% forgot to massage.
Since then I got a lump, which I’ve never gotten in the past. It hurts like a bitch when I bend and sit on it, about 3-4 inches left to right and 2-3 inches top to bottom, it’s red in the middle and pink around the outside.
Just seeing if I have anything to worry about since I’ve never had this happen before?? I used alcohol pads on site, and the rubber stopper, and brand new sealed pin, right after a shower.
Thanks I’m advance for the comments
Having a issue with my right glute where I pinned
Just started another cycle, I’m 25 and have been on and off since 19. It’s been anout 14 months since since my last one and I just started sus 250.
I pinned this past Tuesday, right glute. It’s Friday now, and I 100% forgot to massage.
Since then I got a lump, which I’ve never gotten in the past. It hurts like a bitch when I bend and sit on it, about 3-4 inches left to right and 2-3 inches top to bottom, it’s red in the middle and pink around the outside.
Just seeing if I have anything to worry about since I’ve never had this happen before?? I used alcohol pads on site, and the rubber stopper, and brand new sealed pin, right after a shower.
Thanks I’m advance for the comments