A lot of people are very against insulin use, and view it as taboo.
I personally have never used it, but I know a couple of the people on here have, and I read this protocol today. I am not condoning using insulin, but if you decide to, you should absolutely read this article. Very helpful
The Ultimate Insulin Protocol By: Mike Arnold
Insulin….the peptide everyone wants to know about, but which few are willing to include in their programs. Inevitably, should one inquire how to use this drug, the forthcoming responses almost always come in the way of well meaning admonitions encouraging the prospective user to abstain. Insulin has become somewhat of a taboo subject in our community, even among those of us who willingly engage in and encourage the use of illegal AAS. At first glance, one can understand why this mind-set might rule the general BB’ing population. However, upon further inspection it is revealed that insulin, when administered by those who have a thorough understanding of the drug and religiously adhere to all safety guidelines, can be used both successfully and with relative safety.
Still, it is not without some measure of truth that insulin comes with so many warnings. In a worst case scenario, it can kill you if used improperly. It should also be noted that even when insulin is used responsibly, it carries with it a certain degree of inherent risk. Should the user find himself in unfortunate circumstances, such as acquiring an abrupt case of the stomach flu leading to an inability to hold down any food/liquid, the user could be in trouble, especially if he had just administered a large dosage of Insulin and an E.R cannot quickly be located. This is just one example of how an individual could find himself in a predicament for which he is not responsible, but which none the less could result in an emergency situation.
The purpose of this article is not to educate the reader on how to protect oneself from the potential dangers of Insulin, but to supply a wholistic and maximally effective method of insulin administration. I assume that anyone who is willing to implement this protocol into their BB’ing program is thoroughly educated regarding its application and all available safety nets have been put in place. Furthermore, I encourage no one to use this program. It is posted for entertainment purposes only.
The internet is filled with different thoughts and ideas on how to best use insulin. Some of these ideas are worthwhile, while others are complete garbage. In this article we will explore what many believe to be the single most effective time to use insulin…pre-workout. There is considerable scientific evidence which can be used to back up this claim of superiority, as well as numerous anecdotal reports proclaiming likewise. In the following protocol I have followed suit in regards to timing, but have gone a step further and devised what I consider to be the single most effective insulin program on involving once daily use.
Users of this protocol have reported average gains of 10 lbs in 2 weeks or less, which I can personally confirm. The pumps & muscle fullness one will achieve while following this protocol are staggering. The program finds its magic in its timing and the synergy of ingredients utilized. Listed below is the protocol in its entirety.
• 60 minutes pre-workout: *** optional (Any of the pump-producing supplements on the market. Gaspari Nutrition’s “Vasotropin” is a great product). • 45 minutes pre-workout: 15 IU Humulin R. • 20 minutes pre-workout: 50 grams High molecular weight carb (ex: Vitargo, Karbolyn, etc). 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 20 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine monohydrate. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. 500 mg Potassium. 1 gram Vitamin C. • 75 minutes after 1st shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 10 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. • 75 minutes after 2nd shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Glutamine.
Total protein: 60 grams (excluding added free-form aminos) Total Carbs: 150 grams (excluding the trace amounts of carbohydrates found in protein the powder).
First of all, when formulating the macro/slin ratio above, I increased the amount of carbs-protein above what is typically required per IU of slin, in order to account for users who demonstrate an above average degree of insulin sensitivity. Most slin users or BB’rs in general, will require roughly 8 grams of carbs-protein per IU of slin, in order to break even and maintain normal blood glucose. This protocol utilizes a 14 : 1 ratio (macros/slin), which will allow for pretty much anyone to employ this program while maintaining blood sugar within a normal range.
In order to promote enhanced recovery and a maximum growth response, the timing of the shakes has been set-up to maintain a constant influx of nutrients throughout the entire active life of the insulin. Humulin R was specifically chosen for this purpose, as its half-life will allow the user to take advantage of both the intra and post-workout windows. Humulin R also delivers a less pronounced insulin spike, which is easier to manage for most users in comparison to a faster-acting version of insulin, such as Humalog.
When speaking of insulin programs in general, one of the biggest issues plaguing its users is that of insulin resistance. Chronic, long-term insulin use can damage insulin sensitivity, which is accompanied by all sorts of potential complications. This is the reason why most programs out there call for the user to take some off-time every so often, as it is necessary in order to avoid insulin resistance. However, due to the limited insulin exposure time encountered while running this protocol, insulin sensitivity is only moderately affected when using the program 5-6X per week. For individuals who opt to use the program only 3-4X per week, alterations in insulin sensitivity is a non-issue. For those running it the recommended 5-6X per week, one of two steps can be taken to ensure insulin sensitivity is maintained. 1) The user can either take 2 weeks off for every 4 weeks on…or 2) The individual can add Glucophage (Metformin) into his program 3-4X per week at 700-800 mg, 2X/Day.
For 1st time insulin users, while the macro/slin ratio listed above is sufficient, I always recommend they start out at a reduced dosage and gradually work their way up to the full amount. For one’s 1st inject, a dosage of 6-8 IU is ideal. This can be followed up by a 2nd inject of 8-10 IU…and concluded with a 3rd and final inject of 10-12 IU before finally moving up to the full 15 IU. Lastly, I do not consider this program suitable for all BB’rs, but only for those who have achieved at least a moderate level of development.
For anyone out there who has been contemplating using insulin, but does not know how to go about adding it into one’s program, the above protocol is an excellent starting point and fo
I personally have never used it, but I know a couple of the people on here have, and I read this protocol today. I am not condoning using insulin, but if you decide to, you should absolutely read this article. Very helpful
The Ultimate Insulin Protocol By: Mike Arnold
Insulin….the peptide everyone wants to know about, but which few are willing to include in their programs. Inevitably, should one inquire how to use this drug, the forthcoming responses almost always come in the way of well meaning admonitions encouraging the prospective user to abstain. Insulin has become somewhat of a taboo subject in our community, even among those of us who willingly engage in and encourage the use of illegal AAS. At first glance, one can understand why this mind-set might rule the general BB’ing population. However, upon further inspection it is revealed that insulin, when administered by those who have a thorough understanding of the drug and religiously adhere to all safety guidelines, can be used both successfully and with relative safety.
Still, it is not without some measure of truth that insulin comes with so many warnings. In a worst case scenario, it can kill you if used improperly. It should also be noted that even when insulin is used responsibly, it carries with it a certain degree of inherent risk. Should the user find himself in unfortunate circumstances, such as acquiring an abrupt case of the stomach flu leading to an inability to hold down any food/liquid, the user could be in trouble, especially if he had just administered a large dosage of Insulin and an E.R cannot quickly be located. This is just one example of how an individual could find himself in a predicament for which he is not responsible, but which none the less could result in an emergency situation.
The purpose of this article is not to educate the reader on how to protect oneself from the potential dangers of Insulin, but to supply a wholistic and maximally effective method of insulin administration. I assume that anyone who is willing to implement this protocol into their BB’ing program is thoroughly educated regarding its application and all available safety nets have been put in place. Furthermore, I encourage no one to use this program. It is posted for entertainment purposes only.
The internet is filled with different thoughts and ideas on how to best use insulin. Some of these ideas are worthwhile, while others are complete garbage. In this article we will explore what many believe to be the single most effective time to use insulin…pre-workout. There is considerable scientific evidence which can be used to back up this claim of superiority, as well as numerous anecdotal reports proclaiming likewise. In the following protocol I have followed suit in regards to timing, but have gone a step further and devised what I consider to be the single most effective insulin program on involving once daily use.
Users of this protocol have reported average gains of 10 lbs in 2 weeks or less, which I can personally confirm. The pumps & muscle fullness one will achieve while following this protocol are staggering. The program finds its magic in its timing and the synergy of ingredients utilized. Listed below is the protocol in its entirety.
• 60 minutes pre-workout: *** optional (Any of the pump-producing supplements on the market. Gaspari Nutrition’s “Vasotropin” is a great product). • 45 minutes pre-workout: 15 IU Humulin R. • 20 minutes pre-workout: 50 grams High molecular weight carb (ex: Vitargo, Karbolyn, etc). 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 20 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine monohydrate. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. 500 mg Potassium. 1 gram Vitamin C. • 75 minutes after 1st shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 10 grams Glycerol monostearate. 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Micronized creatine. 2 grams Beta alanine. 10 grams Glutamine. 3 grams Taurine. • 75 minutes after 2nd shake: 50 grams High molecular weight carb. 20 grams Hydrolyzed protein (ex: Hydrowhey, Carnivore). 3 grams Leucine. 5 grams Glutamine.
Total protein: 60 grams (excluding added free-form aminos) Total Carbs: 150 grams (excluding the trace amounts of carbohydrates found in protein the powder).
First of all, when formulating the macro/slin ratio above, I increased the amount of carbs-protein above what is typically required per IU of slin, in order to account for users who demonstrate an above average degree of insulin sensitivity. Most slin users or BB’rs in general, will require roughly 8 grams of carbs-protein per IU of slin, in order to break even and maintain normal blood glucose. This protocol utilizes a 14 : 1 ratio (macros/slin), which will allow for pretty much anyone to employ this program while maintaining blood sugar within a normal range.
In order to promote enhanced recovery and a maximum growth response, the timing of the shakes has been set-up to maintain a constant influx of nutrients throughout the entire active life of the insulin. Humulin R was specifically chosen for this purpose, as its half-life will allow the user to take advantage of both the intra and post-workout windows. Humulin R also delivers a less pronounced insulin spike, which is easier to manage for most users in comparison to a faster-acting version of insulin, such as Humalog.
When speaking of insulin programs in general, one of the biggest issues plaguing its users is that of insulin resistance. Chronic, long-term insulin use can damage insulin sensitivity, which is accompanied by all sorts of potential complications. This is the reason why most programs out there call for the user to take some off-time every so often, as it is necessary in order to avoid insulin resistance. However, due to the limited insulin exposure time encountered while running this protocol, insulin sensitivity is only moderately affected when using the program 5-6X per week. For individuals who opt to use the program only 3-4X per week, alterations in insulin sensitivity is a non-issue. For those running it the recommended 5-6X per week, one of two steps can be taken to ensure insulin sensitivity is maintained. 1) The user can either take 2 weeks off for every 4 weeks on…or 2) The individual can add Glucophage (Metformin) into his program 3-4X per week at 700-800 mg, 2X/Day.
For 1st time insulin users, while the macro/slin ratio listed above is sufficient, I always recommend they start out at a reduced dosage and gradually work their way up to the full amount. For one’s 1st inject, a dosage of 6-8 IU is ideal. This can be followed up by a 2nd inject of 8-10 IU…and concluded with a 3rd and final inject of 10-12 IU before finally moving up to the full 15 IU. Lastly, I do not consider this program suitable for all BB’rs, but only for those who have achieved at least a moderate level of development.
For anyone out there who has been contemplating using insulin, but does not know how to go about adding it into one’s program, the above protocol is an excellent starting point and fo