Hi Everyone,
New to the group, happy to be here. No real goals set out just yet other then been 2 months hitting the gym hard and seeing those awesome gains we all see after a long break. Now I'm very very interested I jumping on something ( to what that is not sure yet)
Abit about me:
34 years of age, been training roughly 16 years. Had 15months off when started a family. Finally back into routine. gym, diet sleep etc.
Experience with anabolics
Prohormone cycles:
Epistane (havoc)
Halodrol + stano
Mk677 +ostarine
Rad140, lgd 4033, mk677
Test E standalone
Current stats:
18% bf (roughly)
Cals: 3000
Currently doing a 4 day split strength block. Example of this first 2 days
Barbell bench -
2/3 warm up sets working
3x 5 workings sets 80%1rm
Strict press -
Same as above
Single arm income DB press -
4x 8 reps each
DB lateral raise -
4x 12 reps
Triceps extension ezbar
5x10 reps
Tuesday: lower body ( anterior dominant)
Barbell squat -
2/3 x warm up sets
3x 5 working sets 80%1rm
Romanian deadlift
4x 6 working sets
Bulgarian split squats
3x 8 reps
SL 45degree leg press
Seates calf raises
Lying ghd plate presses
4x 12
Apologies for the long ass thread. Really keen in the next month or so to run a cycle. To what that is yet unsure
Thanks for following and happy lifting
New to the group, happy to be here. No real goals set out just yet other then been 2 months hitting the gym hard and seeing those awesome gains we all see after a long break. Now I'm very very interested I jumping on something ( to what that is not sure yet)
Abit about me:
34 years of age, been training roughly 16 years. Had 15months off when started a family. Finally back into routine. gym, diet sleep etc.
Experience with anabolics
Prohormone cycles:
Epistane (havoc)
Halodrol + stano
Mk677 +ostarine
Rad140, lgd 4033, mk677
Test E standalone
Current stats:
18% bf (roughly)
Cals: 3000
Currently doing a 4 day split strength block. Example of this first 2 days
Barbell bench -
2/3 warm up sets working
3x 5 workings sets 80%1rm
Strict press -
Same as above
Single arm income DB press -
4x 8 reps each
DB lateral raise -
4x 12 reps
Triceps extension ezbar
5x10 reps
Tuesday: lower body ( anterior dominant)
Barbell squat -
2/3 x warm up sets
3x 5 working sets 80%1rm
Romanian deadlift
4x 6 working sets
Bulgarian split squats
3x 8 reps
SL 45degree leg press
Seates calf raises
Lying ghd plate presses
4x 12
Apologies for the long ass thread. Really keen in the next month or so to run a cycle. To what that is yet unsure
Thanks for following and happy lifting