Evening - forgive the formatting, I don't have a computer - only got my phone...!
Proposed Cycle – 20 weeks (all compounds on hand)
Gain 15kg lean mass (main)
Improve strength (secondary)
Manage overall health
Continue to learn how body responds to cycles (e.g. managing E2, acne etc)
Improve sleep - been a terrible sleeper for years
Initial cycle:
500mg/wk Test C
300mg/wk Deca
50mg/day Dianabol (first 6 weeks)
Rethink cycle:
400mg/wk Test
200mg/wk Deca
50mg/day Dianabol
Compounded Tadalafil/Sildenafil 5mg/50mg (originally appeared on premiumpeptides.com as tadalafil only)
I know I need P5P or possibly pramipexole if prolactin gets out of control with the deca – in the process of sourcing now
Concerns are deca dick, possible loss of libido and losing FWB as a result
Training – 5 day bro split
Last 3 years – PPL/UL
“Self diagnosed” low T requiring TRT as of July 1, 2023 – 200mg/wk of Test Cyp – run this until October 31, 2023
Kicked up to 350mg/wk Test Cyp November 1, 2023 until February 29, 2024 – good increase in all lifts, added size and mass as expected, diet was decent but not fully clean – between 3500-4000 calories a day – experienced symptoms of higher E2 and acne became an issue; able to manage somewhat with arimidex
March 1 – back to 200mg/wk Test Cyp with 50mg/day anavar for 8 weeks, and 300mg/day ipamorelin (150mg morning/evening) for 8 weeks
The idea was to start this blast July 1, four months after dropping from 350mg/wk (run for 4 months) back to 200mg/wk – happy to start earlier if bloodwork allows
March 6 to April 3, according to InBody body scan, dropped 6.5kg total body weight, 6.7kg fat mass and maintained muscle mass completely – in that time dropped 3cm from midsection, 2cm from hips (now 100.5/99) – bodyfat apparently around 17%; massive reduction in visceral fat demonstrated by reduction in waist line from four months back (111cm)
Bodyweight is currently 103.5kg; aim was to be below 100kg by June 30 before blast commences – after first month of aggressive caloric deficit, decided to shoot for around 95kg provided muscle mass is not severely compromised and blood work looks good (getting another panel done end of April, last was done end of Feb but want to see what the impact was of anavar and tidying the diet up dramatically)
Diet currently consists of the following on days I train (approx. 2140cal, 238p/187c/42f):
Breakfast (around 10am)
4 eggs
60g oats
Morning (around 1pm)
200g chicken breast
100g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Afternoon (around 4pm)
60g Bulk Nutrients Protein Matrix
100g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Pre training
25g Bulk Nutrients Future Whey
50g Bulk Nutrients Dextrose Monohydrate
10g Bulk Nutrients EAAs
Post Training
200g chicken breast
150g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Days off training (approx. 1900cal, 231p/46c/84f):
4 eggs
60g oats
200g chicken breast
Broccoli and carrots
60g Protein Matrix
Broccoli and carrots
4 whole eggs
200g chicken breast
Broccoli and carrots
Long range the diet isn’t sustainable but it’s worked well for the cut so far. Water is between 4 and 5 litres a day; rarely touch alcohol (one or two shots once or twice a week if the FWB is around), drink a couple of cups of coffee a day, quit energy drinks a couple months back. There’s no red meat in the diet right now because I haven’t been able to consistently source good quality lean beef unless it’s from Coles and that stuff is often questionable – a lot of food is hit and miss both quality and availability wise in Central Australia…!
Current BMR is approximately 2200cal, calculated TDEE around 3100cal – on blast, I’ll be looking at around 4000cal baseline, with a view to increase if workable without gaining too much fat
Supplements outside of anabolics:
8000iu D3
360mcg K2
400mg Magnesium
1.5g NAC
500mg TUDCA
4g C
Milk Thistle (Thompsons)
Bulk Nutrients ZMA
Looking for any and all feedback; I'll start posting a lifting log tomorrow
Proposed Cycle – 20 weeks (all compounds on hand)
Gain 15kg lean mass (main)
Improve strength (secondary)
Manage overall health
Continue to learn how body responds to cycles (e.g. managing E2, acne etc)
Improve sleep - been a terrible sleeper for years
Initial cycle:
500mg/wk Test C
300mg/wk Deca
50mg/day Dianabol (first 6 weeks)
Rethink cycle:
400mg/wk Test
200mg/wk Deca
50mg/day Dianabol
Compounded Tadalafil/Sildenafil 5mg/50mg (originally appeared on premiumpeptides.com as tadalafil only)
I know I need P5P or possibly pramipexole if prolactin gets out of control with the deca – in the process of sourcing now
Concerns are deca dick, possible loss of libido and losing FWB as a result
Training – 5 day bro split
Last 3 years – PPL/UL
“Self diagnosed” low T requiring TRT as of July 1, 2023 – 200mg/wk of Test Cyp – run this until October 31, 2023
Kicked up to 350mg/wk Test Cyp November 1, 2023 until February 29, 2024 – good increase in all lifts, added size and mass as expected, diet was decent but not fully clean – between 3500-4000 calories a day – experienced symptoms of higher E2 and acne became an issue; able to manage somewhat with arimidex
March 1 – back to 200mg/wk Test Cyp with 50mg/day anavar for 8 weeks, and 300mg/day ipamorelin (150mg morning/evening) for 8 weeks
The idea was to start this blast July 1, four months after dropping from 350mg/wk (run for 4 months) back to 200mg/wk – happy to start earlier if bloodwork allows
March 6 to April 3, according to InBody body scan, dropped 6.5kg total body weight, 6.7kg fat mass and maintained muscle mass completely – in that time dropped 3cm from midsection, 2cm from hips (now 100.5/99) – bodyfat apparently around 17%; massive reduction in visceral fat demonstrated by reduction in waist line from four months back (111cm)
Bodyweight is currently 103.5kg; aim was to be below 100kg by June 30 before blast commences – after first month of aggressive caloric deficit, decided to shoot for around 95kg provided muscle mass is not severely compromised and blood work looks good (getting another panel done end of April, last was done end of Feb but want to see what the impact was of anavar and tidying the diet up dramatically)
Diet currently consists of the following on days I train (approx. 2140cal, 238p/187c/42f):
Breakfast (around 10am)
4 eggs
60g oats
Morning (around 1pm)
200g chicken breast
100g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Afternoon (around 4pm)
60g Bulk Nutrients Protein Matrix
100g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Pre training
25g Bulk Nutrients Future Whey
50g Bulk Nutrients Dextrose Monohydrate
10g Bulk Nutrients EAAs
Post Training
200g chicken breast
150g white rice
Broccoli and carrots
Days off training (approx. 1900cal, 231p/46c/84f):
4 eggs
60g oats
200g chicken breast
Broccoli and carrots
60g Protein Matrix
Broccoli and carrots
4 whole eggs
200g chicken breast
Broccoli and carrots
Long range the diet isn’t sustainable but it’s worked well for the cut so far. Water is between 4 and 5 litres a day; rarely touch alcohol (one or two shots once or twice a week if the FWB is around), drink a couple of cups of coffee a day, quit energy drinks a couple months back. There’s no red meat in the diet right now because I haven’t been able to consistently source good quality lean beef unless it’s from Coles and that stuff is often questionable – a lot of food is hit and miss both quality and availability wise in Central Australia…!
Current BMR is approximately 2200cal, calculated TDEE around 3100cal – on blast, I’ll be looking at around 4000cal baseline, with a view to increase if workable without gaining too much fat
Supplements outside of anabolics:
8000iu D3
360mcg K2
400mg Magnesium
1.5g NAC
500mg TUDCA
4g C
Milk Thistle (Thompsons)
Bulk Nutrients ZMA
Looking for any and all feedback; I'll start posting a lifting log tomorrow