What's up everyone so I'm starting my first time of Sarms, which is LGD-4033. In the past about 3 years ago I did a cycle of beastdrol v2 which was good. So a little bit about me....
34 years old, 158 weight, 5'6, about 13% body fat (calipers). I been lifting for over 10 years, former military infantry, couple of deployments, sharpnel from a bomb in my lower back and elbow but nothing I can't take.
For PR
Flat Bench - 4 reps @ 195
Squat - 4 reps @ 185 (I stay light due to back injury and shrapnel
Deadlift 8 reps @ 225 (again injuries)
Military press 8 @ 115
Arnold press 6 @ 70 DB per arm
Clean diet constantly, no soda, no artificial sugars, complex carbs
Protein: 160-220 daily
Carbs: 50 -110 daily
Calories: 200 calories above maintenance
Multi vitamin, fish oil omega 369, chia seeds, flax seed, vitamin D, BCAA, creatine, and ZMA
Cardio: HIIT 2x weekly @ 20 minutes
Week 1-8: 5mg LGD-4033
Week 1-8: forma stanzol 2 pumps am and pm
Week 1-8: Tudca liver protection
Week 1-8 HCgenerate
PCT: start immediately after cycle is over
Unleashed and forged post.
I'm looking for suggestions.
My questions for the experts here is:
1. Is SARMS1 a trusted company, this is where I'm getting my LGD-4033? I read a lot of logs of horrible system shut down, possibly bad batch, a pro hormone instead of SARM or bad OCT.
2. Is my PCT good enough? Should I add to it?
3. I'm starting my dosage at 5mg if everything goes well and no sides I'll increase to 8mg after 3 weeks and than if everything is going well still I'll make it 10mg to finish off the last 2 weeks. What do you guys think of this?
I'm starting my log on Friday on the 24th, is when my bottle arrives. So I have time to discuss and work this out.
Thanks everyone.
34 years old, 158 weight, 5'6, about 13% body fat (calipers). I been lifting for over 10 years, former military infantry, couple of deployments, sharpnel from a bomb in my lower back and elbow but nothing I can't take.
For PR
Flat Bench - 4 reps @ 195
Squat - 4 reps @ 185 (I stay light due to back injury and shrapnel
Deadlift 8 reps @ 225 (again injuries)
Military press 8 @ 115
Arnold press 6 @ 70 DB per arm
Clean diet constantly, no soda, no artificial sugars, complex carbs
Protein: 160-220 daily
Carbs: 50 -110 daily
Calories: 200 calories above maintenance
Multi vitamin, fish oil omega 369, chia seeds, flax seed, vitamin D, BCAA, creatine, and ZMA
Cardio: HIIT 2x weekly @ 20 minutes
Week 1-8: 5mg LGD-4033
Week 1-8: forma stanzol 2 pumps am and pm
Week 1-8: Tudca liver protection
Week 1-8 HCgenerate
PCT: start immediately after cycle is over
Unleashed and forged post.
I'm looking for suggestions.
My questions for the experts here is:
1. Is SARMS1 a trusted company, this is where I'm getting my LGD-4033? I read a lot of logs of horrible system shut down, possibly bad batch, a pro hormone instead of SARM or bad OCT.
2. Is my PCT good enough? Should I add to it?
3. I'm starting my dosage at 5mg if everything goes well and no sides I'll increase to 8mg after 3 weeks and than if everything is going well still I'll make it 10mg to finish off the last 2 weeks. What do you guys think of this?
I'm starting my log on Friday on the 24th, is when my bottle arrives. So I have time to discuss and work this out.
Thanks everyone.