12gm fish oil
6gm glucosamine @ msm
2x multivitamin
20gm collagen peptides
220mg test c
1mg glp1
0.25mg adex
2042CAL/ 253P/ 20C/ 100F
M1: loaded shredded chicken with bacon and roasted brussels sprouts (Factor), protein shake
S1: shake, walnuts
M2: Black pepper and sage pork chop with smoked cheddar brussels sprouts & broccoli (Factor meal)
TreadClimber for cardio in the AM
Full body
Bike warmup
Seated shoulder press 3x10@45#
Paused Romanian deadlift 2x8@205# (rpe is intentionally lower)
Chest supported row (long length partials for last set) 3x9@160#
Hammer preacher curl 1x8,1x7,1x4@35#
Behind the back lat raises (myo-reps for last 2 sets) 1x10@20#, 1x8@20#, 1x7@20# (it's 20# per arm if that matters)
Overhead Tricep extension bar (drop set last set) [email protected]
Cable bicep curls (bar) [email protected]#, [email protected]#
Food came easy today, I tried having a Factor meal for breakfast and that definitely helped, I probably should have had some more carbs in the day, I'll try adding some fruits and starches where I can.
Training was good, every set (except RDL) was to failure (and an increase in reps or weight from last week). Added some bicep curls to the end because recovery has been good so I may as well take advantage of the MRV.
12gm fish oil
6gm glucosamine @ msm
2x multivitamin
20gm collagen peptides
220mg test c
1mg glp1
0.25mg adex
2042CAL/ 253P/ 20C/ 100F
M1: loaded shredded chicken with bacon and roasted brussels sprouts (Factor), protein shake
S1: shake, walnuts
M2: Black pepper and sage pork chop with smoked cheddar brussels sprouts & broccoli (Factor meal)
TreadClimber for cardio in the AM
Full body
Bike warmup
Seated shoulder press 3x10@45#
Paused Romanian deadlift 2x8@205# (rpe is intentionally lower)
Chest supported row (long length partials for last set) 3x9@160#
Hammer preacher curl 1x8,1x7,1x4@35#
Behind the back lat raises (myo-reps for last 2 sets) 1x10@20#, 1x8@20#, 1x7@20# (it's 20# per arm if that matters)
Overhead Tricep extension bar (drop set last set) [email protected]
Cable bicep curls (bar) [email protected]#, [email protected]#
Food came easy today, I tried having a Factor meal for breakfast and that definitely helped, I probably should have had some more carbs in the day, I'll try adding some fruits and starches where I can.
Training was good, every set (except RDL) was to failure (and an increase in reps or weight from last week). Added some bicep curls to the end because recovery has been good so I may as well take advantage of the MRV.